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"All right kids, go settle to your rooms and we will see you later for lunch." A teacher announced and we each made our way to our rooms.

I unlocked the door of our room and the rest of my roommates got in. In this room with me were assigned three more girls, Vetta and the two witches, literally, Veronica and Marissa. If we didn't chop each other's head off, we would be lucky.

Not only that but also, last night Holden had called all the supernaturals of Dragony to a meeting to tell them about me and about my cover identity as an ice user. On the way here, Vetta said the meeting went surprisingly well. The users and all the others seemed to be all right with me as long as I didn't bother them and kept a low profile.

"Listen, if you stay on your side of the room, then we won't have any problems with you," Marissa said.

"Yeah, right. As if we can be okay with that freak," Veronica dished out as she glared at me.

"Look, we aren't that excited to be with you two evil witches," I muttered.

"It's almost funny how you think you can trash-talk while you just state simply the facts. Is your brain really so small that you can't come up with something better?" She smirked as she stepped closer and comforted me face to face.

"What did you just say?" I snarled as I felt the blood boiling in my veins.

"Let's all calm down and take a deep breath," Lovetta shouted. The two girls which couldn't annoy me more left the room, probably to complain to a teacher. As for the rest of us we continued settling in while enjoying the peace and quiet now that they were gone.


"Remember to be very careful, it's very easy to get lost in here," a teacher called out from up ahead.

It was the second day and we were currently inside a cave. An explorer had accompanied us and was giving us a tour of the inside of the cave. We were supposed to learn about the stalagmites and the stalactites but no one was really listening. We were too busy taking in the spectacular scenery to listen to a word of the expert. Even though we were inside a cave, it was very bright. There were a few spotlights placed in different parts of this underground area. Some were even colored and made the walls of rock seem purple or even blue.

Holden, the four shifters and I were walking in the back when I saw the hunched forwards figure of Veronica. Her shoulders were slumped as she stooped, glancing around worriedly. The rest of my gang moved on, never getting distracted from their silly conversation but I was left standing with my ryes glued to the anxious girl. She might be one of the meanest witches I knew but it was heartbreaking to see her pacing the cave so desperately.

My feet were moving before my mind could register the action and I was soon standing next to Veronica. Her head span towards me and she watched me with a pan of sadness and worry.

"Is everything all right?" I asked her. My friends came to a halt as they curiously glanced back at me to see what was holding me up. They approached us with a quick step before Holden asked, "what's going on?"

Veronica's gaze ran over the new appearances before turning her attention back at me. Her face harshened as if not liking the fact that she had to talk to me. "Marissa is missing," she announced, her voice hoarse from worry.

"Was she with you when you stepped foot in the cave?" Lovetta asked as she took a step closer to the girl, her eyes full of pity.

"She was with me just a few moments before. I turned around and then she was gone," Veronica choked. Vetta nodded as her arms wrapped around her body. "It's silly. She's probably fine; it's just that this is so unlike her. She wouldn't leave me alone in a place like this." She uttered the last word with disgust and a hint of fear. It was only then that her trembling arms and lips made sense.

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