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The first day of school had finally arrived and after a lengthy meeting with the principal who explained every little detail, I made my way towards the classroom.

"Hello. Is this the Literature class?" I asked as I walked into my first class for the day.

The teacher turned around from her position on the whiteboard and looked straight at me. She smiled and put down the marker.

"Yes, it indeed is. You must be Kristy Clark, the new comer. Come in, come in." She came to my side and guided me inside, in front of the whole class.

"I'm sorry for being so late. The principal was informing me about the school and then I got lost. This is a really big school."

"Don't worry, I understand how difficult it is being new to a different environment." I hoped that all my new teachers would be this nice. "I am Miss Dobrev. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?"

It was the first time I looked at my classmates. There were many people I didn't know. But among those unidentified faces, I could see three familiar ones, one of which I was happy to see. Vetta, Alaric and Holden. The girl was sitting with a cute guy and in front of her was her brother with the usual scowl on his face. Holden sat alone in the opposite direction of those two.

"My name is Kristy Clark. I moved here recently. And as you guessed I have a terrible sense of direction."

I looked at Alarick who was smirking. Laughter erupted from my comment, most of which came from Vetta.

"Thank you, Kristy," Miss Dobrev said through laughter.

I realized I was just standing there and that I should go sit down somewhere. I looked at the full classroom. Only two seats were empty, one next to Holden and the other one, on the back of the room. The teacher must have realized what I was thinking about.

"Kristy, why don't you sit next to Holden, the one on the second desk next to the window?" she suggested and I didn't complain. I would get to sit next to the window and with someone who wasn't a complete stranger, even if that guy didn't like me.

I sat down and smiled at him. "Hi," I whispered. He nodded in return.

"Well kids, since today is the first day, how about we play a game? Or I can give you some time to get to know your new classmate and catch up with each other and then we can start the class."

They all opted for the latter option. The teacher allowed us to do whatever we wanted as long as we were quiet. Everyone began gathering and forming small groups.

I looked at Vetta who motioned me to go over to her desk. She pushed away the guy sitting next to her to empty the seat and he found another chair and placed it next to her again. I joined them and settled down at the currently unoccupied seat. I greeted everyone and then turned to Alarick.

"Hello, peaches. Did you miss me?" I said sarcastically. I got a growl as a reply.

"Kristy, this is Clell," She gestured to the boy on Alaric's right with the honey-colored skin and the smirk "and this is Haru." She pointed to the baby-faced boy who had been sitting next her.

"It's nice to meet you," I said.

"Likewise. It's nice to meet someone who likes to annoy this meanie," Clell said as he poked Alaric and almost got his finger ripped out because of that. The three boys then began to argue about who was more annoying. I turned to my friend who was staring intensely at my hair. Her attention snapped back to my face and she smiled shyly.

"Sorry, it's just that you have such pretty hair."

"Thank you, I dyed them myself," I explained as my hand unconsciously reached up and touched a strand.

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