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"What do you mean?" the queen asked.

"I mean that she is one of us, visioners. Like me, she has visions," the old lady blurted out. A period of silence broke out before Pit put an end to it.

"That is incredible," he exclaimed as he turned to me. "Your gift is one of a kind, you could become our savior. You can save thousands of lives and help us by seeing our enemies' future or past. You could become our ultimate secret weapon."

I did not like the excitement in his voice. In fact, I didn't like how he was approaching me and had extended his arm, grabbing me.

"Stop it this instant!" Holden commanded him as he slapped his hand and made it let go. Being as afraid as I was, I got behind Holden's back. He pulled me further back and glared at the general.

"Holden, is that true?" his father demanded to know.

"I am sure it is." Pit answered for him. "Now, stop acting so arrogant and let me train her," he hissed out.

"All of you stop it." His grandmother yelled, trying to put an end to this madness.

"But Gretta, she could-"

"I don't want to hear it. This is why the kids felt the need to hide something so important from us. So, don't you dare say one more word," she commanded.

"You don't understand how this could help us," he bit out as his eyes zeroed in on me.

Gretta threw her head back and laughed. Her expression sobered up quickly before she spoke, "I do understand that you want the best for this world and you want to see it thrive. But this is not the way. I remember how it always was when it came to visioners like myself. They were sold to whoever paid more so they could be their weapon, that's all they ever were. I managed to avoid my fate because I was born a royal but it isn't fair what the others have to go through. And it isn't fair that you are about to do the same to her. And let me tell you, Pit, right now to them," she pointed at us, "and to your precious nephew and niece you are becoming the bad guy." That seemed to shut him up. He retreated back as he lowered his gaze to the marble floor of the infirmary.

"Holden, Caroline why didn't you tell us?" the queen asked with a soft voice as the king grumbled and sat down at a chair, drops of sweat running down his face.

"Because they knew that you would react just like he did," their grandmother answered for them. "And they were right hadn't I been here, you would have already taken her."

"Thanks, grandma." Caroline hugged her tightly and Gretta patted her cheek.

"I'm just hurt that you wouldn't trust me with that secret." She kind of made me feel guilty.

"We had to be very careful and not trust anyone else." I heard Caroline whisper to her.

After that things went a lot better than we expected. Pit went to question everyone about the cook who carried out the assault. As for us, we had to go to the king's office and tell the whole story to the royal couple. Along the way we had to reveal that I didn't always know what my visions were. When I was about to reveal that I didn't know what kind of user I was, Holden stopped me quickly. He explained that I was a weak ice user who hadn't stepped foot in Ledus before and was living as a human in Manavata and that I recently found out about my origins. He said that I had always thought my visions were simple dreams, which was true. I didn't question his need to keep my secret about my real identity.

"You found out you weren't human only a few weeks ago?" the queen asked surprised and I nodded in return. "I can't understand it. No matter how strong or weak you are, you should have noticed signs of your powers."

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