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After Kristy had left yesterday from our house, my feelings about this were mixed. Now she knew our secret and we didn't have to lie to her anymore, something which I knew that my sister was thrilled about. She already loved her new friend and the fact that she had to lie to her was eating her alive.

On the other hand, I wasn't sure I could trust this chick. She seemed nice and deep down I liked hanging around her too. But she was still an outsider, a stranger to us. How could we be sure that she would keep the secret of our world?

Once we were done with breakfast, we would be contacting the supernaturals in charge of this town and informing them of what happened. This time, we wouldn't let them alter her memory. I knew that Lovetta wouldn't stand to have her friend's memories erased.

I stared at one of my best friends, my brother in mind but not blood, Clell, as he made pancakes for the little ones. I then looked at Harou and Lovetta who were looking through a magazine and whispering to each other like they didn't have another care in the world. Those two were made for each other and we all knew it.

My eyes dropped down at my cup of chocolate, not coffee because it made us wolf-shifters extra restless and my lap as one of the little kiddos tried to climb up. The scene was so peaceful and right. It felt like everything was finally falling into place. I had an amazing family and we didn't have any responsibilities that could get us killed, not like when we were back home. Life was starting to become good for us. Well, I was too quick to speak.

A loud bam alerted all of us. The children were clever enough to hide under the table and my sister rapidly gathered them. The other two guys came to stand in front the door ready to jump at whoever has just intruded our house. Light steps could be heard heading out way. My best guess was that they were umbras, shadow creatures that were familiars of evil witches. I was right once more.

"Alaric, go up and guard the kids." I was about to object to Clell's command when he used the magic word. "Please. We can fight them ourselves but the kids need someone strong in case something goes wrong and an enemy finds them. You are the best of us, so you have to make sure no harm comes to them."

I ran as fast as a cheetah, even though I was a wolf, and got to the room in less than one seconds. I pushed the kids in and locked the door behind me. After I was sure that the lock was in place, I turned and looked at the kids. All of them were more than scared. Lizzie, the most sociable, approached me and launched herself in my arms. I held her tightly while assuring the others that everything would be all right. Even though I said that, I didn't believe it. It was the first time the shadow monsters and gone past the protective seal outside the house, meant for them. We had never had to deal with such a major attack. The usual attacks were only on the forest near us and they weren't that dangerous.

Ten minutes had passed and there wasn't a sound coming from downstairs. I looked at the children who were taking a nap and thankfully weren't freaking out about the attack like I was. I paced through the room and decided to find out what was going on out there. I walked to the door and unlocked it. I noticed a movement behind me and turned around. Quirin was standing there looking at me with those fierce wolfish eyes.

"What are you...?" He began speaking but I interrupted.

"I am going to see what happened to the guys and Lovetta. You stay here. If any of the little ones wakes up, keep them inside and under your watch." With that, I left.

I climbed down the stairs and headed for the living room. As I walked through the corridor, I could notice signs that showed there had been an attack here. Splashes of blood on the floor and scratches on the walls. There were locks of fur on many spots. I didn't like the sight of our clean and homey house like this. When I got in the living room, it looked abandoned. There wasn't anyone here. I opened the curtains and looked outside of the window.

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