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I wish I could restart. Fix all the shit I've got wrong. All I ever think is why can't I fix this, Why the hell did you do this, And all this other bullshit in my life. I'm tired of everything, for I feel as if everything is my fault. My family being sad, my friend group breaking, my broken promises, and other stuff. It's all because of my selfish and stupid actions. I just want to start over for goodness sakes. I'm sick of looking at the shit I've broken, and knowing that its my fault. Almost nothing makes me feel happy and safe anymore. Around six months ago I was so close to my friends, you could tell me in six months we would not be that close, and I would have never believed you, but look where I'm at right now. Haha the jokes on me once again, and just like before it's all my fault, Because my stupid self made an impulsive decision without thinking about the consequences. I just want to restart, a second chance in this stupid world. But at last you don't get a second chance. You get a cold heart in a world that seemingly won't warm up. You get to cry as you wish those tears would drown you, and you get a void mind which is as numb as your emotions. Oh how I wish I could start over and get a second chance, But all I'm doing is just staring at this phone writing my nostalgia away.

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