Don't reply back with a corona meme, please don't

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Let me get straight to the point, I'm mad about something stupid, I can't control. It's quite dumb, but anyway. You see I sometimes get my moms texts because my phones kinda not smart. So today I see that my mom was texting people rude humor. Honestly when I saw this I was angry. I guess I am a hypocrite because I do like dark humor sometimes, but what I don't support is racist boomer humor. To cut the details she shared a video of a women punching another woman in a micky mouse costume, (god I can't believe I just typed that sentence I-) and my aunt sent back a corana meme. God I hate this so much. I hate writing this, but I have no one to talk about this with. Anyway that was me venting and trying not to cry. Likewise that has been my whole month really. So yah that's really all I got.

Anyway peace pals ✌️and stay safe 💕

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