Don't wake me up just yet

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My dreams have been intoxicating lately. They seem so amazing and wonderful, but somehow dark at the same time. All I want to do recently is just sleep. I used to stay up till 3:00 in the morning most Weekends, but at the moment I haven't. On Friday I went to bed at 6 PM. I woke up later a few times, but went back to sleep. Then finally I woke up for good and checked the time. It was 9 AM. So yah I slept for    15 hours.

My dreams have just made me feel good. It's a way to make me forget everything else. I like it when I just can forget about everything and be in my own land. But unlike day dreams I can't control what I dream about. So sometimes they get confusing, maybe even scary. Though I wouldn't count any as nightmares. Actually now that I think about it I can't remember the last time I had a nightmare. Sure sometimes my dreams are fucked up, but I really wouldn't count that as a nightmare. Most of my scary dreams are just stuff to real. Anyway yah even though sometimes dreams are weird, I just love to dream. That's why I kinda just want to live in a dream. Peaceful and calm away from reality. That's my dream, to be in a dream.

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