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Fate is the belief that something is destined to happen regardless of any intervention or obstacles

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Fate is the belief that something is destined to happen regardless of any intervention or obstacles. Nothing can change fate. It is an outcome written in the stars. The red string of fate states that two people are connected by an invisible red thread. They are destined to become lovers regardless of time, place, or circumstance. This thread could be stretched and tangled, but is unbreakable.

Aaron Hotchner was a realist. He looked at things as they were. Failed to give it more metaphorical thought. Fate was something that only happened in fairy tales. Our choices dictate the outcome. In his mind fate and destiny was something that didn't exist.

Calamity by definition was an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress; a disaster. His calamity came in the form of a woman by the name of Arden Carter. She was a five foot one stick of dynamite who spoke her mind. A trigger happy woman who was a powder keg ready to explode. Nothing could filter. Arden Carter spoke her mind and nothing nor no one could stop her. She was her own master and nothing could take that away from her. 

Her addition to the team was a choice purely made by Jason Gideon. A decision that was made without the consent of Aaron Hotchner. It was a call he made directly by Director Erin Strauss who approved it. Agent Arden Carter had a reputation at the FBI of getting things done. Her methods were unorthodox, but she followed protocol and that was what mattered. 

The day Agent Carter stepped into the BAU no one knew what was in store. The team had barely returned from a case. Gideon walked into his office to find Agent Carter seated waiting for him

Gideon chuckled as he turned on the lights and closed the door. "It's not a good idea to be sitting in someone's office in the dark. Some one might think you were up to something."

"I think we're past those assumptions. You know I like the dark Agent Gideon," She replied as she  studied him. "It's been a while."

"That it has. Still on your own?"

"Mhmm." Arden leaned comfortably in her chair as Gideon put his things down. "Still on my lonesome. Just how it's always been. But now I'm here reporting for duty."

"You already have your badge and gun?"

"Ready to begin effective immediately sir."

"Great. Let me introduce you to the team. Oh and Arden, try to tone done the flirting. I'm not sure the team is ready for that. It's more of a second date kind of thing."

Arden laughed, "Of course sir. I know enough to tone down my personality on the first meeting. I feel like that was a mistake I made when we first met."

"Agent Rossi still blushes at the thought which is saying something."

"I was young and if I remember correctly you and Agent Rossi were fine looking gentleman back in the day."

"David was known as a ladies man in his day. Still is. What's your excuse?"

"I like to have fun and I'm good at what I do. You wouldn't have hired me if you thought otherwise."

Gideon nodded, "Keep things professional. Agent Derek Morgan is known to be our in house flirt."

"Looks like I have some competition," she smirked.

Gideon just shook his head disapprovingly. "Let's see if I can catch them before they leave for the day. Come on." Gideon lead her out to the bullpen. "Hey team I would like to introduce you to our newest edition," Gideon shouted.

Everyone turned around in a heartbeat. Garcia was giddy with excitement, "Who?"

"I would like to introduce Agent Arden Carter," Gideon concluded.

Arden scanned the room for reactions. All were intrigued. But what caught her eye was a tall dark haired man in a suit. There was something about his eyes that captivated her interest. Something that made her decide, him. He would be her next boy toy. The subject of her flirtation. Him. And by the looks of things she already had him eating out of the palm of her hand.

She went around the room as Gideon made the introductions. "SSA Derek Morgan."

"Pleasure to meet you gorgeous," Morgan winked.

"SSA Jennifer Jareau."

"You can call me JJ. It's really great to have another woman on this team."

"Dr. Spencer Reid."

"I-I don't shake hands, but w-welcome."

"And last but not least SSA Aaron Hotchner."

Arden looked him in the eyes and smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you sir."

He looked back at her and replied, "I look forward to working with you Agent Carter."

It was all in that moment. That initial spark that would send them down a self destructive path. They were a ticking time bomb ready to explode.


Arden Carter played by Chloe Bennet

"Normal is gross. Life's too awesome to waste your time thinking about being normal."


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Aaron Hotchner played by Thomas Gibson

"Agent Carter get off that motorcycle right now!"


"You did not just disobey a direct order. Get your ass off that motorcycle or you're spending your Christmas vacation filing paperwork for Director Strauss."


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