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Aaron gave his profile on the Reaper to the department

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Aaron gave his profile on the Reaper to the department. "The Reaper fits a profile we refer to as an omnivore. Unlike most serial killers, an omnivore doesn't target a specific victim type. Although he tends to focus on his younger female victims with his knife, he is essentially a predator who will kill anyone."

"Why is he so democratic?"

"Because his kills aren't just about his victims. He needs recognition. He needs us to know."

Rossi took over. "The symbols, the placement of prior victims' possessions on subsequent victims it's all for us."


"Power," Aaron responded. "The Shaunessy letter is the clearest example of this, he manipulated Tom Shaunessy into literally surrendering to him."

"The burden was too much to bear. In a very real sense, Tom Shaunessy was the Reaper's 22nd victim."

"Like BTK killer Denis Rader, the Reaper is extremely disciplined. In his everyday life, this will very likely make him so inflexible, he can't keep close relationships or work closely with others."

"I believe our killer has another interest that may give us our best opportunity to catch him. The Reaper's last victim was an older woman. He killed her quickly with a single shot. The prior, younger woman he spent more time with and stabbed 46 times."


"He pays special attention to his younger female victims and his weapon of choice with them is the knife, a substitute instrument for bodily penetration."

"And the younger the victim, the more time and effort he spends. I think our guy is a hebephile."


Reid took his cue and responded, "Someone who's attracted to adolescent post-pubescent children, teenagers."

Aaron gave the police a list of people to look at. Arden zoned out. She watched as Aaron began his to emerse himself in the case. It was cold in the police station even if it was early March. Arden always was the observational one of the group. She sat back and analyzed. Only spoke when necessary.

"Carter what do you think," Reid asked her.

"I'm sorry I zoned out. Question?" Then an idea popped into her head. She looked at Aaron. "Sir there's something I would like to do on my own. Does the team need me?"

"Would you care to share?"

She shook her head. "I want to run it with Garcia. Something about the profile you have that bugs me."

"Was my profile wrong?"

"No sir. It's just that I want to review some past suspects. Can I?"

"Go on ahead Agent Carter. You're free to do as you wish during your lunch break," he told her. What he really meant was, there wasn't much they could do without another victim.

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