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Arden was taking a break from her case when she received a call. "Hello?"

"Arden, what a treat it is to hear your voice," A crisp british accent said.

Arden chuckled, "Nice to hear you too Oliver. How's life?"

"I hear you're seeing Aaron now."

"That is true. What of it?"

"It's such a shame it didn't work out between us."

"A shame indeed. Is there a point to this call? I have to get back to work."

"I was thinking we could have a little arrangement-"

"Yeah no," she cut him off. "First off I know it was you Haley cheated on Aaron with. Your little affair? Not so subtle. Your lucky I never told him it was you. You're a back stabbing little bitch and you deserve each other. Have a nice life jackass."

Arden hung up the phone and stretched out her muscles. She loved a challenge but this case was by far proving to be more challenging than she had predicted. She yearned for a break and for the first time in two weeks she allowed her brain to miss Aaron. The descent had been a gradual one but bit by bit she had allowed herself to fall in love with him. Now she paced around the room, trying to distract herself from her devious thoughts about what she was planning on doing with him when she got home.

"Carter, meeting in five. We think we have a lead."

"Be right there. Did someone put on another pot of coffee?"

"As per your request we did."

"Great. I'll grab a refill before the meeting."

She was wired on caffeine and ready to crack the case open like a pinata. It would be a record time if they managed to solve it in three weeks or less. They were just starting week two so there was still time. She wanted to be home as soon as possible. Wanted to be back with the team, missed dinner at Rossi's place and girl's night out.


She let out a satisfied groan as she stretched out her muscles. In record time the case had been wrapped up and she was on her way back to DC. Three weeks weren't long but they had been enough to make her feel homesick. Rossi was set to pick her up at the landing strip and drive her back to the BAU. They had dinner scheduled and she was not missing out on fine dining.

"Ah mi amore, how was the case?"

Arden put her things in the back seat and took a seat in the passenger seat. "Rough, we hit a break three days ago and wrapped up early. How's the team?"

"We've been going on cases non-stop. Aaron is in Boston at the moment. An old friend called."

Well that put a damper in her plans. "Well I guess this means I won't get locked out of my apartment tonight. He's the one who enforced a curfew. It was mainly to keep Sean from partying but it's not fun when you have to crash at Morgan's place for the night."

Rossi chuckled, "I can only imagine. Now we have dinner reservations. Would you like to go to your apartment to get ready or do you want to get ready at my place?"

"If you don't mind I'll grab some clothes from my apartment and get ready at your place. Sean texted me that he was bringing over a lady friend later."

Rossi was loving it. "Ah the younger Hotchner brother sure does know how to get the ladies."

"He's like a younger version of you."

"A less attractive version of me," Rossi corrected.

"A non-italian version of you," Arden added. "He's got the rugged bad boy appeal but those blue eyes are hard to resist."

Lost In Japan // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now