Part 1

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Part 1

"It's my last semester of college" I said talking on the phone with my big brother. "I know baby girl, you have been working so hard. you know mom and dad would be so proud of the both of us." He said. "Yes I know. Look I will call you once I get everything settled, I'm still unpacking." I said. "Okay. Enjoy unpacking, love you" he said. "I love you too" I said smiling as I hung the phone up.

Let me introduce myself my name is Tatum Norwood, I'm 21 years old and I'm finally about to graduate my dream college, Utah School of Arts. Everyone here just calls it U.S.A for short. My big brother is a real estate broker in California and we stay in contact a lot, Especially since we lost our parents two years ago on a cruise ship crash. I miss my parents everyday but thankfully our family are super close so we all help and check on one another.
This semester I got the chance to have my own apartment to myself on campus due to me having academic honors which is lit as fuck because those nasty hoes I had to share an apartment with last year was disgusting. I see them around campus sometimes and their always giving me  eye rolls and stares, I don't care though I wouldn't dare let anybody get in the way of my last semester.

I finally finished up unpacking and decided to go to Professor Todd's extracurricular design night course. 

I looked down at my phone to check the time.
"Shit, it's 6:30" I said rushing to grab my bag and car keys.
His class starts at 6:30 and I know he was gonna be pissed at me for showing up late. Especially if I was the one who needed help.

I jumped in my car and drove to the Design Arts building and finally found a parking spot. I  quickly got out the car with my things and raced in the building and ran up the stairs. I finally made it in his classroom.

"Ms. Norwood." Prof. Todd Said.

"Yes sir?" I said softly

"It's 6:45pm" he said.

"I apologize, I was unpacking and lost track of time" I said.

"Well next time keep track, now have a seat" he said proceeding to his instructions to the whole class.

Ugh. It was only 8 of us in the classroom. Why does he really have to be such an ass. Just because he's the youngest Professor on campus does not mean he has to be a complete dick.

I didn't regret the lecture though because he is an amazing teacher but an ass at times.

"ALRIGHT, next week we'll meet again so everyone can be ready for the real world for after college!" He said excitingly.

Everyone laughed and began to walk out of the class. I was the last to get up because I wanted to make sure I had all my things.

Before I could leave.. all I heard was.

"Ms. Norwood." Prof. Todd said.

what the fuck did I do now? he better not say some bullshit to me

"Yes sir?" I said.

"The reason why I'm hard on you because I see you working just as hard as these other students and I don't want you to slack. I'm not saying I want you to be perfect but I'm saying I want you to be the absolute greatest." He said.

Wow. I actually thought he was an asshole but he honestly only wants the best for me.

"This means so much coming from you professor Todd." I said smiling.

"Your welcome." He said looking into my eyes.

I smiled.

"Your so beau..." he said.

"I'm what?" I said.

"Nothing. Just make sure your on time next week. Be sure to email me if you have any questions or visit my office." He said.

"Okay thank you" I said

We both smiled at one another and I walked out and shut the door.

Wait did Professor Todd just attempt to call me beautiful?


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