Part 2

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After leaving class and finally making it back to my apartment around 8:30pm I was still a bit baffled. I tried to convince myself that Prof. Todd wasn't tryna flirt with me but something keeps telling me he really was by the way he dismissed it.  I jumped in the shower, then went to the kitchen to make me a salad and finally I peacefully sat in my bed and began to eat while I was watching Basketball Wives.

My fairy lights brighten my room so beautifully. This was just so perfect. But it would be even more perfect if I had someone that could be right next to me in my amazingly comfortable bed to witness such beauty of the decor in my room. Every since I started college I never focused on guys I only focused on studies. It was a lot of guys who really wanted a chance with me but I always made excuses. My parents died during the end of my sophomore semester and they always wanted me to find my future husband in college. I thought that was the most cutest thing ever but my brother was so against it which made it so hilarious. Since losing my parents I've been so lonely, don't get me wrong my family checks up on me ALOT but there is nothing like cracking up with laughter with your parents. I miss them a lot I don't even get sad because we had the best times ever, the whole family. But maybe it's time for me to stretch out a little bit and be open to talking to someone.

I sat there wondering about Prof. Todd. I rushed to my desk and grabbed my laptop. I went on our school website and found his email and his office number, I even saw his real name, Montey Todd and he was only 25. He's so young. I began to think...

Well, he said to contact him if I had any questions, right?

So I sent him an email. I knew he wouldn't email me back because it was around 9:30pm now. I laid there watching tv for about 30 more minutes and found myself getting sleepy. Then all of a sudden.


I got an email notification.

I quickly grabbed my laptop and checked it.

The email read

MTodd@UtahArts.Edu : I see that you took no time huh? It's pretty late but I'd be glad to help. What were you needing help with?

I brainstormed to make up any random questions and I replied back.

Me: yes, I didn't quite understand your syllabus about when doing PowerPoint demonstration at the campus galleria. Can you help me understand that.

MTodd@UtahArts.Edu: well that'll be something I'll have to explain to you in person. I'm at my office now. Would you like to swing by?

WTF? This late?
Well shit it doesn't matter students are always walking around campus this time of night. So I guess I'll go.

Me: okay I'm on my way! Be there in 5!

MTodd@UtahArts.Edu: Okay!

I threw on a jacket and joggers, grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

I finally made it to the building his office was in and gladly his office was on the first floor.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in" he said from the inside.

I walked in.

"Hey professor sorry to bother you at such a late time." I said

"No need. So what's up? Explain what you didn't understand?" He asked.

"Yes! The coursework was confusing me. Can you explain again" I said.

"But I thought in the email you was asking about the syllabus?" He said.

Shit. How in the hell did I forget what I was lying about.

"Oh yes the syllabus and also the coursework too" I said faking a smile.

He looked at me a started laughing.

"What?" I said

"Nothing." He said tickled.

"Look I'm sorry I just..." I said then he instantly cut me off

"Tatum what are you really here for?" He asked smiling.

"The syllabus" i said.

"You sure?" He said.

"Ummmmmm... well actually..... no" I said.

"So what's wrong?" He asked.

"You really want to know?" I said

"Yes" he said.

"Earlier, you called me..."

"Beautiful... yes I know" he said cutting me off.

"You weren't serious were you?" I asked

"I was indeed serious Tatum" he said.

I could feel myself getting nervous, instant dryness to my mouth, I was catching mini butterflies in my stomach..

"Thank you." I said blushing.

"I know it's super late so I want you to get some rest because I'm sure you have other classes tomorrow." He said

"Yea your right, Prof. Todd." I said.

"That's not necessary just call me, Montey." He said.

"Okay." I said smiling.

"Be safe, and have a good night" he said

"You do the same" I said walking out of his office smiling at him.

When I got back to my apartment I was speechless. I can't believe this. I'm kinda falling for my professor...

To be continued....

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