Part 11

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I got up and put on my shoes. I didn't really think nothing of the phone call. Besides I had a new phone number anyway.

I headed to the curtain shop and seen so many beautiful curtains.

"Need any assistance?" A worker asked

"Well I was wondering do you guys have the handmade curtains?" I asked

"Yes mam, we have a handmade section over here" she said

I smiled and followed her to the other aisles.

"Here you go, there is also a informative message for each curtain, telling when it was made, the meaning behind it and the person who made it." She said so generously

"Perfect! This is what I need because I'm into art." I said to her as I looked at the curtains

"That's beautiful my whole family is into art" she said smiling

Me and the worker chatted and I ended up finding the perfect curtain for our new home.

I know I have to make my baby dinner tonight so I decided to go buy some lingerie so I can be his dessert.

After doing all that shopping I headed to the house. I put up the new curtains, lit a candle, turned on some music and started putting the food on.

About 30 mins later all the food was done I was just waiting on the baked potatoes to get done.

So I headed to take a shower and lotions up and put on my lingerie.

The baked potatoes was finally done and I keep the other food warm.

I poured me and Que a glass of wine. I was so ready for my man to come in our new home smelling food and seeing how damn sexy I was in my new lingerie.

I then heard keys moving and it was my baby unlocking the door.

I hid in the corner so he couldn't see me yet.

"Damn it smells good as fuck in here" Que said

I walked up.

"Damn baby" Que said biting his lips

I smiled

"Then you got on the heels too! Bring yo sexy Mfn ass here!" He said

He threw his phone on the couch and picked me up

He started kissing and sucking on my neck

I moaned

"You smell so fucking good baby" he whispered in my ear.

I was moaning so fucking loud.

I had to come back to reality.

"Baby, cmon lets eat." I said

"After I eat you first" he said

I laughed

He laid me on the couch and started eating me like a fucking Buffett! I'm talking about a damn all you can eat Buffett.

I was going crazy. This is why I love this man.

He knows how to make me feel good in every single way.

After the attack of Que eating my soul up, we finally sat down and ate.

"I got a beautiful ass woman, who know how to cook and do it all, I'm in love all over again" he said smiling

I smiled

"I love you so much baby" I said

"I love you more baby" he said

We continued eating and talked about his day at work. We laughed and made jokes and all that good stuff.

After we ate me and Que got drunk off the wine we drank.

We ended up having shower sex. Whew! Let's just say I hope I AINT pregnant because that man is a fucking sex symbol.

Around 7am we had got up and got ready for work.

I fixed us a quick breakfast and we headed out. I was gonna drive to work but since I get off late today my man decided to drop me off and pick me back up.

We made it to my job.

"Have a good day baby" Que said

"You too baby" I said

We kissed each other

"I love you daddy" I said

"Damn baby you gone make this dick hard, I love you too fine ass" he said

I laughed and got out the car.

He watched me walk in the building past the security and then he drove off.

I walked in the building and greeted everyone, by me being a project manager I had my own cute office.

I also had an assistant, she's an intern and I know I can be the perfect role model for her in the art field.

I sat down and logged into my computer and started working .

*knock knock*

"Cmon in" I smiled

It was my intern assistant, Amy.

"Hey Ms. Norwood, I have something for you" she said smiling.

"Okay bring it in" I said

She brought in a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"Your husband really loves you" she said

I smiled and grabbed the flowers.

"Thank you Amy" I said.

"Your welcome" she said then she walked out.

I pulled out my phone and texted Que

Me: You at work baby?

Que: yes baby, what's up?

Me: nothing just wanted to tell you thank you for the beautiful flowers you sent to my job, you always know how to make a woman feel so loved.

Que: baby you know I love you with all my heart and everything in me but I didn't send you flowers.


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