Part 10

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"Stay right here" Que said

"Baby don't. Just call campus police." I said

"I got this" Que said getting out

I hurried and leaned over the driver seat grabbing his arm.

"Que PLEASE DONT!" I yelled

He looked at me

"Okay" he said

He got to in the car.

Que had called campus police and they came.

They reported it as a break in and we're going back to look at the surveillance.  Two officers went into the apartment with Que so he could make sure nothing was stolen.

I told him to pack a bag and he could just come over to my apartment.

After all of the chaos we made it to my spot and talked.

"Bruh i don't know who the hell would do that shit to me" he said

"I know baby, just thank God it wasn't worse." I said

"You right. Damn this got me like i need to watch my back fasho now" he said

"I know baby." I said comforting him

"Tatum" he said

"Yes" I said

"I appreciate everything you have done for me" he said

I smiled.

"Awwwwww thank you" i said

"Like deadass, you a real ass female. A down to earth, smart and sexy ass woman" he said

I blushed as we both made eye contact.

"Tatum" he said

"Yes" I said

"Will you be my forever? Will you be mines? Will you be my lady?" He said holding my hand.

I started to cry.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend" I said

We both hugged each other and kissed.

The spark was high and I could feel butterflies all over my body. The love was real. The love is real.


Me and Que had graduated and everything was so surreal. All our family and friends were there. I had met all of his family and I love them. His family even met my family and it was just so beautiful to see.

The campus police never found out who broke into Que's apartment which had me a little shook but HEY that was months ago, besides we're no longer there anymore.

Me and Que 6 month anniversary was about to come up and we came up with a great idea for us to move in with each other and our families supported our decision.

We moved to Atlanta and let's just say we love it! It's perfect!

Que co-partnered with an old friend and they opened up a tattoo shop and for me I became a project manager for a art galleria.

Life could not be any better.

"Bae no! Let's move the couch a little more to the left." I said smiling.

"Damn baby. My back." He said

I laughed

"Ima massage it! I promise" I said

Que smiled and moved the couch.

He walked up to me and gave me a wet kiss.

"I love you baby" he said

"I love you more baby." I said

"Shit I gotta get to the shop." He said

"Okay baby, when you get back I'll have dinner ready. I'm gonna go shopping for curtains" I said

"Okay baby. I'll be back home around 6" he said

We kissed and I watched my fine ass man get in his car and drive off.

I sat down on the couch for a minute just to relax before I headed to go shopping.

I was looking around at our cute little suburban house and smiling it was so beautiful and just so perfect.

I sat there smiling and then started texting my cousin telling her how we should set up a housewarming because she lives in Atlanta too.

In the middle of me texting I got a call.

"Helllo?" I said answering my phone


"Um okay" I said

The call had instantly ended.

"Um wtf" I said to myself..


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