Part 8

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I was so upset I wanted to cry. The tears started to roll down my cheek.

Que suddenly woke up and looked at me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Allergies" I said wiping my tears.

"Nah, I know what allergies look like" he said.

"Ugh, I made a 72 on my test" I said Sadly

"Tatum I understand but just remember that it's the beginning of the semester so you have more than enough time to turn this around baby." He said

My eyes glowed.

I kissed Que on the lips.

"Now lay down and relax everything will be okay." He said.

"Okay" I said laying in his arms.

It felt so amazing, so amazing that it was almost unbelievable.

I have literally been on this campus for 3 years and I have finally found someone who matches my energy.

A few hours had passed by and Que had to go do his daily gym work out with his friends.

Me on the other hand, had unfinished business with MONTEY TODD!

After Que left I headed to Montey's office. I know Que gave me the best advice ever but I just need to know why? Just why would he give me a 72?

I made it to his office unannounced and knocked on his door.

"Come in" he said.

I walked in and let's just say I did not bite my tongue.

"What type of games are you trying to fucking play? All because I can't go on a damn date with you? HUHHH? Answer that!!!!" I yelled.

"First lower your tone because it's not necessary" he said.

"I'ma tell your what's necessary! You staying in a damn professor place! That's what's necessary." I yelled

"Women. No substance. Especially young ones." He said as he began to type back on his computer.

"SUBSTANCE????? Are you fucking kidding me!!!!!!" I screamed.

"Perhaps you should just be more precise when it comes down to your work then Tatum" he said.

"Oh you son of a BITCH" I yelled.

Suddenly some woman walked in on me going off.

"Everything alright baby?" The lady said to Montey.

"Yes baby, just one of my students is upset that is all" he said to her.

"BABY?????" I said to myself in my head.

This nigga just asked me on a date. He has a whole woman WTF !

"Sorry to hear that" the lady said to me.

"Whatever" I said getting up.

I walked out the office.

I pulled out my phone and called Que.

"Hello?" He said.

"Are you still working out?" I asked

"Just wrapping everything up. What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm about to drop Professor Todd's class" I said as I was getting into my car.

"What happen?" He asked

"He's a complete asshole" I said.

"I understand baby. Looks like ima drop his class too because I don't need no asshole teacher" he said laughing.

I laughed.

"Well look I'm about to go grocery shopping I was thinking about having tacos at my apartment tonight. So if you want too you can come back over to my place" I said.

"Hell yea I will. Ima go to my apartment and shower. I wanna go grocery shopping with you.  I'll pay for everything" he said.

"No Que you don't have to pay for anything because it's my idea." I said.

"I'm still gonna pay. See you in 30 mins." He said then hung up.

"I can't stand this boy." I said to myself laughing.

I pulled up to my apartments but just sat in the car on my phone.
I pulled up my school website and finally dropped Montey's class.

I played around on my phone for about 25 mins and I looked up and Que pulled up beside my car.

I noticed 3 girls were standing outside of the apartment looking at Que get out his car but I really didn't pay it any mind.

I got out the car too and was walking to him and gave him a hug

Then suddenly one of the girls walks up to Que while I'm obviously right there beside him.

"You must be new? Never seen you around here." She asked.

"Um yea" Que said looking at her crazy

"Oh my bad. Didn't mean to interrupt you and your sister conversation" she said smirking.

The other girls who were with her started laughing In the background.

"I'm not his sister" I said

"Well you must be his cousin then" she said laughing.

This bitch was trying it.

Que could see the anger in my face.

"Come on baby lets go" Que said.

"Okay" I said pissed off.

"Square ass BITCH" the girl said.

"What did you say?" I said

"Bitch you heard me!" She said

I instantly threw me earrings off, and walk up towards the girl.


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