Part 15

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I was off of work for the next two days and Que wanted me to help him decorate his shop so we went shopping and then went to his shop.

"Damn nobody is here today?" I asked as Que unlocked the shop.

"Naw, Marcy suppose to come in a little later I think she got two clients today." He said

"Who's Marcy?" I asked

"The girl my partner just hired." He said

"Mmmm. Oh okay." I said

"Jealous?" He said playing.

"As if! I would never be jealous. She just better not be giving you the GooGoo eyes, you know how some women be." I said

"Nah none of that is going on baby. You know you all mines and I'm all yours." He said.

We kissed and started decorating.

I can't lie the shop was nice as fuck. Just needed a little razzle dazzle and I had no problem helping.

About an hour later we was just about done with decorating.

Then this female walks through the door.

She looked foreign. Long chestnut brown hair , tattoos down her legs, Small waist, thick hip and a big booty. She had on booty shorts, Tommy Hilfiger crop top and slides with Starbucks in her hands.

"Hi." She said

"Hi" I said

"Your a client?" She asked

Ummmmm I know tf this ain't no damn Marcy.

"No, I'm here decorating" I said

"Ohhh your we're hired to decorate?" She said

"The fuck." I said

Que came out from the back.

He stopped for a second and looked dead at Marcy's ass and I looked at him.

"Hey Que" she said reaching in for a hug.

"AHT AHT. Get yo own nigga to hug." I said grabbing Que.

"Oh shit. My bad I didn't know you had a girl Que. my bad." She said

"Yes this is my girlfriend, Tatum." He said

"You got me fucked up." I said

"Tatum wtf? How?" He said

"How tf does she not know you have a girlfriend?" I said

"Baby you acting like I'm tryna keep you a secret don't even do that." He said.

"Whatever" I said walking off.

"Bring yo ass here." He said snatching me up and tongue kissing me.

"And why was you staring at her ass?" I said

"That was not intentional baby I promise" he said

"Mhmm." I said

"Damn really, you ass fat and you know this so don't play like niggas don't look at yours." He said

"Nah, because I keep my shit covered up like a fucking lady should." I yelled.

Marcy was in the back on the phone.

"Calm down. Not that serious." He said

"I have to be at my yoga session." I said

"Okay baby. Let's head out." Que said

We left the shop and headed to the yoga studio.

About 25 mins
We finally got there

"Ima need you to calm down. You know I'll never fuck off on you baby." He said

"Well your artists needs to come to work dressed appropriately." I said.

"I understand baby"  he said

"Gimme kiss" I said

He kissed me and I got out the car.

"Shit babe. I left my bag at your shop." I said.

"Okay babe I'll go run and get it right quick." He said

"Okay baby" I said

I walked into my yoga studio and he drove off to go get my bag.


I made it back to the shop about 20 mins later after dropping my baby off.

I hope like hell Marcy's client is here and nobody touched Tatum's bag because I know my baby gone spazz.

I walked in the shop and I was looking around for Tatum's bag.

"Shit" I said running back and forward.

"Looking for a pink bag?" Marcy said.

She was standing there. I'm not gone lie like she ain't fine but shit I got a woman and my woman just as bad as any other woman on the earth.

"Yea" I said

"It's by my booth" she said

"Bet. Thanks." I said then went by her booth.

I finally found it and grabbed it.

"How come you didn't tell me you got a girl?" She asked.

"Well you know now so it is what it is." I said

"You like my shorts?" She asked

"Marcy chill out." I said walking towards the Lobby.

"Don't act funny now. Everyday you always tell me I look good but now that your girlfriend done showed up you wanna act brand new." She said

"You act like I'm trying to fuck with you though. I'm not. You bugging right now" I said

She brushed her ass up against me then licked her lips.

Marcy bad as fuck and she knew how to make a nigga sweat a little but I'm not gone jeopardize shit for my relationship.

"Marcy you need to chill" I said walking off.

She jumped in front of me and started kissing on my neck.

Man that was my hot spot.

That shit got my dick hard as fuck.

"Come on" she said moaning in my ear.

I picked her up and pinned her against the wall.

I started fucking the shit out of her.

"Fuccccckkkkkk you got some good dick." She moaning

That shit turned me on even more. Marcy was so fucking sexy to me. I always tried restraining myself from her.

But this time she had me weak.

But I love Tatum.

Damn I really just fucked up.


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