Part 18

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I could not believe it. It was Montey Todd.

"I'll let you two do the negotiating and I'll be back." My boss said smiling

I faked a smile to my boss as he walk us to the office.

My boss left and there stood me and Montey.

"Long time no see" he said sipping his wine from his glass and fixing his bow tie.

"Look if you want to negotiate then let's do that." I said

"I missed you" he said clearing his throat and moving closer to me.

"This is my job! I'm not about to play your sick game!" I said

"Oooooh someone is Ms. Adult now that she moved from Utah to Atlanta with some rookie ass lover boy and got a job as a project manager." He teased.

It pissed me off.

"You are jeopardizing everything I'm working so hard for tonight! Are you gonna negotiate and pay or should I just leave?" I yelled

"Whoa whoa. Relax I have double the money." He said laughing

He reached in his suitcase and threw out a stack of money on the desk.

I was shocked but I went ahead and counted it.

It was $25,000

"Um, okay. I'll go let my boss know that everything is all done." I said about to walk out

He jumped in front of the door.

"No. That's not how this is gonna work. Your gonna take your fine ass out the back door with me." He said smiling

"Very funny. Can you move please." I said agitated

He grabbed me.

"I SAID YOUR GOING WITH ME!!!!!" He yelled pulling out a gun

I was shook.

"Please. Please don't kill me" I cried out

"Oh I would never kill you baby." He said kissing my forehead

I started crying.

"Sssshhhhh, be quiet." He said smiling at me.

I wiped my tears. I was so scared. So afraid.

I had no other choice but to do what he tells me.

"Now direct me to the exit so we can leave" he said

"What about your art?" I asked

"I got art pieces at home that costs more than this whole studio so they can have that damn money and that piece of shit of Art. As long as I have you I don't give a damn about that money. It's called sacrificing. Now let's go!" He said

I directed him to the back and he had the gun pointed on my back as I was directing him.

We walked out the back exit door and it was dark outside.

"Walk to the black benz" he said

I walked to his car and he followed me to the passenger side and still had the gun pointed at me.

He got in the car and he started driving.

I began crying. My family and Que doesn't know I left. I'm basically being kidnapped. I started crying extremely hard thinking about all the shit in my head

"Baby. Stop crying." He said

This man is a sick bitch.

"So did you like them?" He asked

"Liked what?" I asked confused

"The flowers I sent to your job" he said laughing

I started crying even more hard.

This sick ass bastard. How the fuck did he even find me in Atlanta


"Yes..yess I loved them" I said crying

"Okay good good good" he said

We were driving in the wood for almost 20 minutes.

He pulled over to a empty gas station in the middle of nowhere.

"You stay put! Your on child lock!" He said getting out the car.

I immediately grabbed my phone and dropped my location to Que.

He tried to call me as soon as I texted him that but I told him to hurry and call the police now.

As I sent off the message Montey was coming out the gas station and I hurried and hid my phone in my pants.

He got in the car and smiled at me then drove off from the gas station.

"Want some?" He asked biting down on a honey bun.

"No thank you" I said

"You sure? You thirsty? I got something to drink too" he said

"No I'm fine" I said

"Hahahaha" he said evilly laughing

I was staring at him like a seen a ghost.

The shit is so creepy

"You must really think I'm stupid bitch!!!!!" He yelled.

"What?" I said

"Give me that damn phone" he said

"What phone" I said lying

"Don't play with me Tatum. I'm not dumb." He yelled

"I don't have a phone on me." I yelled back.

He slammed on his brakes in the middle of the dark road in the woods and got out the car and walked to my side of the car.


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