Part 12

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*Continuation of texts*

Me: why do you play so much lol

Que: Baby I'm so serious. I didn't send you flowers not saying that I wouldn't but I know for sure that I did not order flowers for you on this day.

Me: WTF!!!

Que: I'ma find out wtf is going on

Me: okay baby

Que: Alright I love you baby

Me: I love you too

I sat back in my chair in disbelief


My man trust me and knows that there in no other man in my life so what the hell is going on.

I paged Amy to report to my office.

She came less than a minute.

"Come in" I said

She walked in

"Did I do anything wrong? Am I in trouble?" She asked scared

"No, no... relax your not in trouble Amy, I just have a task I need you to do for me." I said

"Okay." She said relieved.

"I need you to find out what deliver company delivered those flowers." I said

"Yes mam, I can" she said kinda looking strange

"I know you may have thought my boyfriend sent them, but he didn't." I said

"Wait your boyfriend? I thought you were married." She said

"No, were not married yet. Why did you think that?" I asked

"Well yesterday when you was off work a man called up here asking for you, of course Simone takes all the phone calls so she wrote note on her sticky notes so she can tell you today that you're husband called but she called in sick for today." Amy said

"Who's covering for Simone today?" I asked standing up out of my chair.

"Kathy." Amy said.

"Have Kathy find the note and look up that number who called and bring all the information back to me please." I said

"Yes mam, oh and what about finding out where the flowers came from?" Amy asked

"We'll just put that on hold for now." I said

Amy agreed to everything and she went to do what I asked

I sat there in my chair holding my head. My stress level was on 10. I became extremely worried.

*knock knock*

It was my boss.

"Come in" I said

"Why are you not productive?" He said

"I am, I just had a slight head ache that's all" I said lying

"Well Friday we will be having our annual art work sale and you need to be on your P's and Q's if you wanna have an successful outcome, this is your first year working here so you should leave a good impression you know?" He said

Did I mention that my boss was slightly an asshole. He's super high maintenance! All he wears is Louis Vuitton and Dior. He's always talking about his husband and how they fly all across the world and blah blah blah. He an attention whore but overall he's cool, he's just an asshole some days.

"Got it" I said with a smirk.

"Oh I love that bag you got what's the brand?" He said

"Oh it's Marc Jacobs" I said smiling.

"Oh honey, I only do Chanel" he said popping his lips.

"Well good for you." I said getting back on my computer.

"Well I can say you've been doing a good job as a project manager." He said

"Thanks Arnold" I said

"No problem. Oh and for Friday make sure that when you are presenting the art that you don't come off as a rookie. I mean I know your a rookie but the people don't need to know that. Toodles" He said smiling and walking out.

"Bitch" I said under my breath

A month in a half working here and I can honestly say my patience has been very great! I love this job so fuck Arnold. Besides I only have to deal with him twice a week. THANK God!

I finished up my work on my computer, went out on the gallery floor to correct the information on the art and made sure all of my project associates were on task or needed help.

After all of that it was almost time to go.

I texted Que and told him what time I get off and he came right on to get me.

I shut down everything in my office and locked it.

As I was walking thru security I heard someone yelling my name.

"Ms. Norwood." Amy yelled

I turned around

"Yes" I said

"I found it!! I found the company who sent the flowers and I got the number from the caller on Yesterday" she whispered handing me a piece of paper folded up.

"Thank you so much Amy" I said smiling

"See you tomorrow" she said

"See you" I said smiling then heading out the door.

I walked to the car and Que was standing on the passenger side with the door open waiting for me.

"Hey baby" he said

"Hey baby" I said back

He kissed me on the lips and I got in the car.

He shut my door then he got in on the driver side.

"So who in the hell sent those flowers?" Que said.

"I don't know babe, but we boutta find out because my assistant got me all the info. She even told me that somebody called up to my job asking for me" I said

"Yea baby we gotta report that shit because it's dangerous that a mfer know where the hell you work" he said driving.

"Yea, definitely baby" I said

*boom doom*

The car started slowing down.

"Shit I think its a blow out." Que said stopping the car and getting out.

"Do I need to get out babe?" I asked

"Hand me my phone, I'm about to call roadside assistance" he said

I handed him his phone and he call for help.

The people came within 15 mins

"Wasn't a blow out but both of your back tires are completely flat." The man said

"Damn!" Que said

"Wanna explain why both tire caps are missing from both back tires?" The man said .

"WHAT!!!!???" I yelled out



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