Part 9

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Que rushed to grabbed my arm and pulled me away before I walked up to knock the hoe out.

"Mane get y'all ratchet ass the fuck on! This my fucking girl!" He yelled out at them

Oh my gosh. He said I'm his girl. That definitely made me feel some type of way. I felt my anger switch to butterflies in my stomach.

"Boy fuck you and that bitch" the girl yelled

"Yea whatever. I just saved you from an ass whooping" Que yelled.

Que grabbed me and locked me in the car and Que got in and we drove off.

"She tried it." I said putting on my seat belt.

"Baby DONT ever let not ratchet ass females make you that upset. You too damn beautiful and smart. " he said driving

"Okay baby" I said with the puppy dog eyes.

He held my hand and was driving with the other hand.

We made it to the store and got the food for the tacos and Que paid for everything.

We got back to my apartment and made tacos.

And guess what else we made?


It was so perfect. It has been so long but this man is a freaking SEX SYMBOL.


Me and Que were getting ready to go to my family's house and I was so nervous but eager.

I had a lot of things on my mind. What if they didn't like Que? What if Que is too honest?

Well should it matter? I'm grown. Although their opinions matter to me, I can be with whoever I want too.

"Alright I'm ready baby." Que said

My baby looked so handsome.

"You looks so good baby" I said.

"Thank you baby and you do too" he said kissing me

We both had on the same color, blue. He had on his button up polo, jeans and Jordan's and he smelled so damn good. I had on my blue crop top with my jeans and blue Nike's.

"Let's go" I said smiling

We got in his car and headed to my aunts house. My aunt stayed almost 30 minutes away from my school.

We finally pulled up to my aunt and uncle house and everybody was outside.

The sun was out you could see all my uncles bbq and laughing and talking. My baby cousins were running around in the yard playing. My aunts and older cousins were playing cards. My grandma and granddad and all the older people were on the porch talking while the kids played around the yard.

The stereo blasted music and everyone was having a great time.

"Where should I park?" Que asked

"Just pull in behind my uncles truck." I said

All my family pretty much have huge pretty houses and everyone is so family oriented. That's what I love about my family the most.

"Here we go" I said nervously as me and Que got out the car.

"Who is that getting outta that G wagon? Wait is that my baby Tatum?" My aunt yelled out smiling.

"Hey auntie" I said as she hugged me.

"And who is this handsome young man?" She asked.

"Que this is my aunt lola" I said

"Very nice to meet you." He said smiling

"Nice to meet you too." My aunt said giving him a hug.

"What y'all cooking" I asked

"Bbq . It smell so amazing." She said

"Yes indeed" I said

I saw my uncle and brother walking over to us.

"Nieceeeee" my uncle said smiling

"Uncle Paul!" I said smiling and giving him a hug

"And you must be Que?" My uncle said to Que.

"Yes sir" Que said

"I've heard good things about you" he said

"Cmon man you can help us pick the tables up to set the food on" my brother Trevor said.

"Okay." Que said smiling.

I gave Que a kiss before he went with my uncle and brother.

"How does he treat you baby?" My aunt asked

"He treats me like a woman is suppose to be treated." I said smiling.

The birthday party was absolutely successful. After Que met my whole family and especially my grandma and grandpa they love him!

My family even offered him to come to our church.

I was so happy and satisfied with the way my family and Que bond, even the babies love Que. this day was more perfect than I could ever imagine.

We finally left my folks house around 9pm.

"We can go to my place tonight." Que said driving.

"Okay baby." I said smiling

"I really love your family. I felt so at home. I can't wait for you to meet mines." He said

"Awwwwwww baby. I can't wait either" I said smiling

We pulled up to Que's apartment, his apartments were closer to the football field.

He parked the car and I grabbed the to go plates and was about to get out the car.

"no wait. Don't get out! do you see that?" Que said.

"See what baby?" I asked

"My apartment... My front door is wide open." He said


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