Part 3

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The next morning I had woke up around 6:30am, that's usually when my alarm goes off for class. I jumped up and freshened up and was about to shower when a email had came thru on my phone.
It was an email from another professor informing me that class was cancelled for today and the remaining of the week.
"Yassss!" I yell out!

I didn't have to basically go to class none this week.

My mind still keeps replaying Professor Todd in my head. Like he really thinks I'm beautiful.

I shouldn't let this get to my head. He's my fucking professor. I don't need shit getting in my way. That's like self sabotage when dealing with a professor.

*Ring Ring*

I answered my phone

"Hello?" I said

"How is my sweet niece?" My Aunt Lola asked happily.

"I'm doing great aunt Lola, how are you and the family doing?" I asked

"Baby we are fine everybody is doing great in school and your uncle is spoiling me as usual" she said laughing

"Gosh I cant wait to see you guys" I said smiling.

"Well this Saturday is your cousins birthday, you should come and spend the weekend over hunnie." She said

"That's actually perfect because I have nothing plan for the weekend nor do I have any work" I said

"Great. Well listen I have to finish making a few more calls. You continue to keep up the good work babygirl, your mother and father would be so proud that you have not given up." She said

"Yes mam, that makes my heart smile a million times." I said smiling.

"Okay I love you babygirl" She said

"I love you more" I said.

I hung up the phone. I love that my family includes me in everything. Even when my parent were living they still treated me and my brother no different.

So since I have no class this week and it's a Wednesday what should I really find to do? I can't just sit around in this apartment all day moping around.

I decided to jog around campus. Back in my high school days I used to run track so hey it's been a minute so why not go out and enjoy the fresh air.

I showered and got dressed and out the door I went. I put in my air pods and jogged around campus. Of course we had a nice trail for people who jogged so it was super nice.

As I was jogging I seen a group of guys staring at me so I tried to ignore them and kept jogging and listening to my music.

"YOOOO" a guy yelled out.

Now of course I didn't hear him however I read his lips.

I slowed down my jogging and took one of my air pods out.

"What, can't you see I'm joggin!" I said with my hand on my hip.

"Damn my bad baby, no need to be joggin because you the perfect 10 in my eyes" he said licking his lips.

He was about 6"2 chocolate, grills, pretty eyes, nice lips, look like he had a lil thug in him.
Can you say "FUCK BOY"?

"Look whatever you selling I ain't buying." I said about to put my air pod back in.

"Nothing's for sell baby, I just wanna know can I get some free time. I'll never sell nothing to somebody who looks like your fine chocolate ass" he said.

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