Part 17

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I rushed to the bathroom where Que was.

"What's wrong????"  Que said

"Somebody is in our backyard" I said panicking

"I'll go check" he said while washing his hands

"Baby please be careful" I said

"I am baby" he said

Que walked out the back door.

I sat on the living room couch with my hand on my phone shaking.

It was already 3 minutes.

"Que baby?" I yelled.

I got up and walked toward the back door and opened the door

"Wtf is wrong with you!!!! Put that away now!" Que yelled

I walked on outside.

"Wtf is going on?" I said

"Baby go back in the house." Que said

"Please please I just need $5 please."

"Is that a fucking crackhead with a damn stick in his hand?" I said

"Get the fuck off my premises before I shoot yo ass" Que yelled.

"Okay man. Don't shoot me." The crackhead said running off sideways.

I laughed

"That ain't funny" Que said cracking a smile

"Okay it's sad that he on that shit but come on you know it's funny as fuck knowing it was a crackhead." I laughed

Que bursted out to laughing.

We both were tripping out.

"Damn this mane was out in broad daylight too" Que said laughing.

He locked the back door and he hugged me.

"That scared the fuck out of me" I said kissing him.

"I know baby I dealt with crackheads all the time back when we lived in the hood when I was a kid. They harmless baby" he said kissing me.

I laughed and hugged him again.

We pretty much just laughed about that shit and chilled for the rest of the day.

But tomorrow was the big day for me and that's my art work sale. I have to manage pretty much everything for the event and Que and my family are all gonna be there.

THE BIG DAY!!!!!!!!!!

I had on my bodycon black and white dress with my white heels.

I had my hair in a gorgeous bun and I headed to work to get everything ready 2 hours ahead of my first event.

Que went to pick up his suit then he was going to pick my aunt, brother and other folks up from the airport.

I got to my job and my associates looked wonderful .

My assistant Amy had everything ready to go. I was so excited. Yet nervous.

"Okay everyone needs to be in their section" my boss said strutting passed my office.

Thank God he didn't see me because I was putting on my lip gloss.

I laughed then rushed down to the floor.

Everybody looked so amazing and all the buyers were all just walking in.

"Attention everyone" I said

Everybody gave me there full attention.

"Welcome to our Annual art sale, I am proud to be apart of this year's event. I am Tatum Norwood, Project Manager, I will be handling all assistance with any art that is $5,000 and above. I am also here to answer any questions. So you guy enjoy some champagne and the food and enjoy the art. Thank you." I said smiling.

Everyone applauded me.

I seen Que and my family out in the audience.

I was so happy.

I walked to them.

"Hey guys" I said huggin everyone.

I introduced my boss and colleagues to my family.

The event was so successful and wonderful.

Everything was so beautiful and everyone was so friendly and nice.

Man I picked the best career ever!

"We Have a $10,000 buyer!" My boss yelled out ecstatically

"OH MY GOSH" I said shocked

I was so happy. This is a great look for me as project manger.

"Congratulation Baby" Que said kissing me

"Thank you baby" I said

"Congratulation we're so proud of you!" My aunt and brother said

I hugged my family and walked to the private section were my boss was.

I can't believe it! I honestly did not expect to make a $10,000 sale tonight. This is amazing.

"Okay so congratulations on your first buyer Tatum" my boss said smiling then hugging me

"Thank you" i said hugging my boss.

"Oh so Come on in Mr. Todd" my boss said.

"Mr. Todd?" I said



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