Part 13

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After all the bullshit Que was able to get 2 new tires and we headed home an hour later. We were already drained from working and now this bullshit?

We got home and took a shower together.

We got out and laid in the bed and cuddled.

"Baby, now is a good time to call this number." I said handing him the paper.

"Okay." Que said.

He grabbed his phone and called then number.
He put the phone on speaker.

It ringed.

Then no answer.

"Damn" I said.

"Well let's just look up the delivery company" Que said

"Okay baby" I said

I grabbed my laptop and we started searching.

The company was called "delivery smiles"


"What you find" Que said

"Well it's located in Atlanta but it is also a state by state company which means that they can be delivered from different states but only by expedite delivery" I said

"So that mean whoever sent it wanted it to be rushed to you so you can get it." Que said

"Exactly." I said

"Man this some clown ass shit" Que said getting upset.

"I know baby"  I said

"Tatum?" Que said

"Yes" I said

"Baby, did you happen to ever have a stalker or a nigga that had a crush on you?" Que asked.

"Umm I don't think so" I said

"Baby please. I know it has to be because this shit is crazy." He said

"Well Remember Professor Todd?" I said

"Yea, ain't that the nigga class you dropped then I dropped too? What about him?" Que said

"He had a crush on me" I said


"I didn't think about it earlier baby"I said

"Tatum so you mean to tell me that's why you dropped his class back in college?" Que asked

"No.. well kinda but no" I said

"Tatum we promised each other from the jump we was gone keep it real with each other." he said

"He never mattered! Your the only man that matters to me baby" I said about to cry.

"Baby don't cry." Que said

"I'm sorry , I'm just hella frustrated. This is suppose to be one of the best moments for us and it's being ruined by an anonymous ass miserable person." I said

He came and wiped my tears.

"Baby. It's alright I'm not mad at you, I just feel like you should tell me things just in case shit goes down like what we dealing with right now.. You know I'm your man and there you nothing that you can't tell me baby" Que said.

"I'm sorry I should've told you from the beginning" I said hugging him.

"It's alright baby we gone fix this ASAP!" Que said

He comfort me and kissed me.

"It's getting late how about I fix dinner for us tonight? Que said

"Sure baby" I said kissing him.

My man fixed dinner and we ate and watched a movie after.

I had to work the next day so I fell asleep a little before Que did.

The next morning.

"Baby wake up, you got to get ready for work and I'm driving you to work everyday from this day forward."  Que said.

"You woke me up hella early bae, I don't have to be there until 10am today, it's 7am baby" I said rubbing my eyes and hugging the cover.

"Aw damn baby, my bad." He said

"It's okay." I said smiling and then laid back down.

I didnt go to sleep I just laid there enjoying the comfort of the bed and my man right beside me.

*ring ring*

"It's that number we called last night" Que said

"Oh my gosh! Answer It bae" I said sitting up in the bed.

"Hello?" Que said answering the phone

"Who is this?" A woman said

"I received a call from this number" Que said.

"Oh hold On a second. honey some man is on the phone!" The woman yelled out

Me and Que both looked at each other.

"Hello?" A man said.

"Yea I got a call from this number about 2 days ago." Que said

"Oh well you must have a number mixed up because it was not me." The man said

"no it was this number!" Que said

"Look I don't know who the fuck your are but don't call this phone anymore" the man said hanging up.

"So does that voice sound familiar to you?"  Que said looking at me

"I wish it did, but I know for a fact that is not Professor Todd's voice." I said


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