Part 5

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I leaned back in his passenger side seat legs in the air. My whole body was shaking. I was about to cum. I got louder and louder.

"Cum in my mouth" Que mumbled while eating me out.

I don't know what this nigga was doing to me but his head was immaculate, like the fucking best head I have ever got.

"FUCCCCKKK" I moaned out

My juices splurged all in his mouth.

"Damn" Que said raising up smiling.

"What?" I said pulling up my pants.

"Your shit was so mfn wet and you taste good" he said.

"Thank you" I said

This nigga ate my p*ssy so good that I was in a mfn coma just about. Shiddd i barely could function.

"Another reason why I need to be yo man because ima eat that p*ssy all the time" he said licking his lips.

"Mannn oh my gosh your tongue is so dangerous" I said smiling

He grabbed me and held me and started playing Yung Bleu songs.

When I say it was a whole vibe. I love Yung Bleu music.

I raised up a little and looked at him

"I'm actually surprised" I said.

"What you mean?" He asked.

"That you didn't ask me to give you head or have sex" I said.

"Naw, eating yo pussy was something I wanted and needed to do. I wanna please you we just met so Ian gone pressure you to do nun. I wanted to eat that p*ssy tho" he said.

I smiled at him and laid back down on his chest.

I laid there on him and we talked more and more.

The more we talked the more we related. I even told him about the loss of my parents.

He comforted me.

It was just so perfect.


I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. It was a bit rainy outside today but last night had me still in a good mood.

Que was everything I didn't expect. He got grills, chocolate and a thug. But he's so sweet to me.

I went ahead and freshened up and decided to make breakfast.

I got to thinking and decided that I wanted to invite Que over to have breakfast with me. So I went ahead and shot him a text

"You up?" I asked

"Yea baby." He responded

"Hungry?" I Asked

"I could eat" he said

"Come by I'm making breakfast. Apartment 220" I said.

"Okay be there in 15" he said.

I lit two bath and body works candles up. One in my room and the other in the living room.

I loved for my apartment to smell good.

I had on my satin pink robe with my furry pink slides and a cute messy bun on my head.

About 20 mins later I heard a knock at my door.

I looked thru the peephole and seen Que big ass forehead. I started laughing and opened the door.

"Hey" I said smiling looking at him.

"What's up baby" he said

He hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"You got it smelling good in here" he said.

"Thank you." I said.

We sat down on my couch and I gave him the remote to the tv so he can choose what he wanted to watch.

Of course he put it on Netflix.

Damn. He was looking so good from the kitchen view. As I scrambled the eggs I looked at him. He looked so good sitting in my apartment.

I turned the eggs out and place them on a white cute platter.

"Looks really nice in here, you decorated by yourself?" He asked.

I stared at him and looked down to the basketball shorts he had on.

Then lord behold I seen his dick print.


I damn near was drooling.

"Tatum?" He said.

I want that dick like NOWWWW

"TATUM!!!!" He yelled.

"Shit my bad, huh?" I said

"Did you decorate your place on your own?" He asked.

"Yes, yes I did" I said smiling

I was so damn distracted by his dick print that I didn't even realize him talking to me at first.

"Everything is ready" I said setting the table.

He sat down at the table and i handed him his glass of orange juice, then I sat down.

I was about to start eating.

"So you not gonna say your grace?" He asked.

"Oh sorry I'm so hungry I forgot" I said.

"My grandma would whoop our ass if we didn't pray or say our grace when we was little" he said.

"My mom and aunts were on us about it too as kids" I said smiling.

We grabbed hands and said our grace together.

Then we started eating.

"So what's your schedule like?" I asked as we were eating.

"Classes?" He said.

"Duh silly, you said you got new classes now" I said smiling.

"Shit a bunch of art computer courses and some design class at night. I only gotta go there once a week too" he said.

"Yea I have a night class too. It's pretty chill so far." I said eating a piece of bacon.

"Yea, mines is called art design." He said.

"Oh cool who's your professor?" I asked as we continued to eat and smile at one another.

"Some nigga name Professor Todd" he said.

My heart started to beat fast as hell.

No No No NOOOOO!!!!


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