Part 19

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I seen him walking to my door with the gun in his hand.

He opened my door and he snatched me out.

I had my phone under my private area.

"Where is it?" He yelled

"Baby I told you I don't have a phone" I said.

I had to call him baby. I had to manipulate him into believing me.

"Tatum." He said holding my face.

"Yes" I said

"Why would you leave me for him? Huh?" He said

"Because you were my professor I had no choice plus you had a woman." I said faking.

"Yes. She's gone now. Flat line!" He laughed

"Oh okay" I said

"She didn't understand me." He said

"Well I understand you." I said

"I'm glad baby." He said

He tongue kissed me and I wanted to throw up but I had to play along.

"Get in." He said smiling

I got back in the car and he shut the door.

He still had the gun in his hand so I knew I couldn't make no sudden move.

He got back in and continued driving down the dark road.

About 30 minutes later we pulled up to this beautiful ass cabin. But I don't give a damn how nice it is I just hope Que and the police hurry up and find me.

We got out the car and he directed me where to walk. We walked in the cabin and it was very elegant. He had art pieces on his walls and a huge chandelier in the ceiling.

"Nice place." I said

"Yes, its me and your place now." He said

"But I don't have any clothes" I said

"Don't worry. I got $2500 worth of clothes for you." He said

"So you plotted this?" I asked

"That's what you think of me?" He asked

" I mean I just thought. No baby of course not." I said stuttering

"It's okay." He said hugging me

Let's go to our room.

He grabbed my hand and took me up the stairs.

The bedroom looked like a 5 star luxury hotel suite.

"So did you and your ex live here together?" I asked

"Yea. Until I got rid of her." He said kissing my neck

I smiled.

"What do you mean got rid of her?" I asked

"I kicked her out. Look why is she so important to you? Worry about us not her. I want you not her!" He said

"Your right baby" I said continuing to play along

"Can I trust you?" He asked

"Yes" I said

"I'm gonna go take a shower. I'll be back." He said

He kissed me on my lips and went to the bathroom

He's falling for it! He's falling for my manipulation!

In less than 2 minutes after he went to shower I tiptoed out of the room then stormed downstairs to escape.

I pulled on the front door and it wouldn't open.

Even tried the windows.

All of em had bars on it.

"What the fuck man" I mumbled panicking.

I ran to the kitchen and seen a back door and tried to open it and I couldn't either.

Fuck! He planned this shit out well.

I pulled my phone outta my pants and  seen my phone was on 3%

I texted Que


Me: "PLEASE HURRY! I'm in the middle of nowhere I'm a large cabin, it's luxury and it has a lake area!!!!!! Please bae hurry my phone is about to die!"

Que: "We have your location! Babe your literally a hour and 30 mins away baby please remain calm and don't do anything to jeopardize your life! We are coming. I LOVE YOU"

Me: "okay I love you too"

Then my phone instantly died

I started crying.

Then suddenly Smelled something horrible.

"Ewww what the fuck is that smelled" i said

I walked closer and it was by the defreezer.

I didn't see anything by it so I decided to open it

I turned on the light to see what was in the defreezer

"Oh MY GOD!" I cried out and jumped back.

It was....

It was His ex girlfriend.


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