Part 20

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Gosh...." I said breathing heavily.

I closed the defreezer.

I almost puked and I started to feel faint.

I heard Montey's shower go off upstairs and I hurried back to the room.

As soon as I walked in he opened the door.

He had a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Hey baby" he said.

"Hi" I said trying to act normal.

"Baby? Have you been crying?" He asked

"No. No." I  said

"Here, take your shoes off. Get comfortable." He said

"I rather not." I said

"So you mean to tell me your not uncomfortable in those heels that you've had on all night?" He asked

"No. I wear heels all the time. I'm fine." I said

"Can you run in em?" He asked

"Ummm. Why you asking me that?" I asked

"Because you ran back in the room pretty fast. You gotta be good in heels because I have stairs and you must've ran up the stairs." He said

I got still. I didn't know what to say.

"I don't know what your talking about" I said

"You sure?" He said grabbing his gun

"I'll take them off." I said

"Good girl." He said holding the gun.

"Can you please put down the gun your scaring me." I said

"I suppose." He said putting it down.

He walked over and shut the door.
Then he turned around and looked at me.

"Your dress. Take it off." He said

"What? No" I said

"TAKE IT OFF!!!!!" He yelled .

"Baby let's just take things slow okay." I said

"What do you mean by that?" He asked

"I mean, we just got here and you haven't offered me a glass of wine or anything." I said

"Shit, baby I'm sorry I just got all tied up." He said

"It's fine" I said

"Look. I'm gonna go out to the shed where the vintage wine is and get us a bottle" he said

"Okay baby" I said

He grabbed the gun and headed out the door and then turned around and looked at me.

"And you better stay put!" He said

"I am baby." I said

"Okay." He said

I listened to him walk downstairs and then heard him walk out the front door.

I tried to opened the bedroom door but he had me locked in.

"Shit" I panicked

I ran to the bedroom windows and as like the others they were locked and had bars on them. I started crying.

"Que please hurry baby." I said crying

I sat on the floor crying.

Then I jumped up and ran to his bathroom.

I seen a window and it wasn't locked and it had no bars.

"Yes!!!!!" I said

I heard the front door open. It was Montey he's back from the shed.

"Shit!!!!!" I said

I hurried and lifted the window up and scooted my body half way out.

I heard the bedroom door opening .

My body was half way out.

I hurried and pushed my body on out the window and closed it

"Oh my gosh" I cried.

I couldn't escape.

I was literally on top of the cabin and there was literally no way I could jump.

"Oh my gosh he's gonna find me and kill me" I cried


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