[33] Mystery

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Jennie's POV

It has been a week or six days to be exact since I have been searching for those culprits. I will make them pay. What have they done?

Well.. They did something unforgivable.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

It has been two days since Lisa and I had our movie marathon and I am here outside her apartment to visit her since I was not able to see her yesterday due to some circumstances. I heard from my two men just this morning that my Lisa was attacked yesterday. My blood boils in anger. I immediately run here to personally see her condition.

I knock two times and the door opens.

"Nini?" Lisa said wiping her eyes with both of her hands to see better. She just wakes up. She yawns then shake her head and looks at me again. I just look at her cause I was mesmerize and forgot the reason why I came here.

"Ow. Good Morning. Sorry I just woke up." She added.

"It's fine." I said.

"So...? Why are you here early in this morning?" she asked since I am just looking at her.

I wake up from my own Lisa world and then remember the reason I came here. I immediately scan here whole body from the bottom looking for any signs of damage. I finished looking every part of her body while rotating her when I am now looking at her face and there I see a band aid in her left cheek.

"What is this?" I questioned while my hands are both on the side of her face examining her wound covered by the band aid.

"Wellllll......." She speaks but I interrupted her.

"Those three culprits. Did this to you?" I said.

"How did you know? Ow. Right. you have me followed." She said.

"I will look for them and make them pay." I said.

"Don't worry Jennie. They are already in jail." She said.

"No. They will be punished." I said.

"Let just get inside and you can accompany me for breakfast." She said.

~~~ Flashback Ends ~~~

I ordered my men to look in near police station in the area that have arrested those three men. However, there are none. No signs of those men or any records of that incident. How did that happen? How did those men get away after hurting my Lisa? There were police men arrested them but where are they? I will make sure to solve this mystery. They can't just get away like that.

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