Chapter Six

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Chapter Six:
What A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

They ran away. Nate and the other guy ran away with the money. Mabel wished she could say she didn't know something like that would happen, but she did.

She didn't trust Nate one bit. He was sketchy from the beginning, and she knew that something bad would happen. Mabel didn't know it would be that, but she knew something would go wrong.

Mabel sighed, running her hand along her face as Mr. Andrews droned on and on and on.

She was ready for the day to be over, she just wanted to walk home with Anne and Diana and then go home.

Poor Mabel had had a terrible day so far. Not just terrible. Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. And it was barely even noon yet.

To start it off, she woke up late. Covered in her own blood. That was an embarrassing thing to tell the ladies that had to clean her sheets.

Secondly, she spilled jam on her dress and had to rush to change so that she wasn't late for school. Her mother wasn't happy and gave her a lecture.

Next, she got distracted while changing and ended up leaving ten minutes later than she should have. This, of course, caused her to rush out to school, effectively forgetting her lunch.

Leaving ten minutes later meant she had to sprint to school. Due to the recent rains and her speed, mud splashed up all over her white tights.

And to top it all off. Mabel was still late to school. Mr. Andrews was not happy. Now, here she stood. At the board, praying for lunch to come quickly.  Her legs felt like jelly and her stomach felt like it was about to implode.

Maybe she was being punished for lying to everyone. But she really didn't want to lie to them! She wanted to tell them how she felt.

But she couldn't.

Because truly, Mabel didn't know. Mabel doesn't know how she feels or what she feels.

Not knowing what to do or how she felt was not fun for Mabel. It was slowly driving her insane.

She wanted to know how she felt! To figure it out. To feel like herself again. And she was trying so hard to do that. But something, or someone, was preventing that.

She wanted to scream. Mabel wanted to release all her stress, her worries, her anger, all her feelings.

Mabel decided that day. She decided that after school, if she could even walk, that she'd go to the cliffs and just scream.

She'd scream into the wind. Then she'd scream some more. Mabel would scream, shout, and yell into the wind until she felt better.

Or until she lost her voice. Whichever came first.


voice broke her out of her trance

"It's lunch." Diana said, holding out her hand to help Mabel.

"Thank you, Diana." Mabel slipped her hand into Diana's. She stumbled forward, she couldn't feel her legs, but with the help of her friend, she made it over to the girls.

Josie frowned at the sight of the girl, "Oh, how terrible! Here, here, sit down."

Josie stood to help Mabel sit down next to her. "Are you okay?"

"Thank you, Josie." Mabel smiled kindly at the blonde girl.

"What's happened yo your stockings?" Tilley gasped, pointing to them.

"I've had a terrible day." Mabel sighed out, "Quite horrible."

Ruby frowned, sympathetically placing a hand on Mabel's shoulder.

"What happened?" Anne asked, scooting forward, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Everything went wrong!" Mabel cried out, "Everything that could have gone wrong did. I felt so.. so.. so cursed!"

"Cursed?" Ruby shrieked, "Cursed? Who would ever want to curse you!"

Mabel felt like she could cry as she went on explaining what had happened. But she couldn't. No, she wouldn't fret over something like this. She had bigger things to worry about, after all.

On the bright side, she got to eat. The girls all give her some of their food. Mabel vowed to never feel ungrateful for having to walk after that day.

Lunch ended quickly, and thankfully, so did the rest of the school day.

Mabel stumbled out of the school house, unable to feel her legs. She waved to Diana and Anne who stood by the door, waiting.

"Oh, here, let me help!" Anne offered, quickly taking Mabel's books before Mabel could protest. Her heart skipped a beat, and she prayed no one had seen that.

How people would talk if they did. A girl carrying another girls books? It would be the talk of the town! And surely, her parents would not be happy to hear about that. Especially out of context. But even in context, people wouldn't understand.

She didn't expect them to, either. What could others understand about her that she didn't even understand about herself?

Nothing. That's what.

"O-Oh, um, thank you."

Diana linked her arm with Mabel's, helping her along the dirty path.

"My house is much closer than yours, you can rest there. I'm sure your parents will understand. Marilla certainly will." Anne explained, looking back at the two slower girls.

"Oh, Anne, you really don't need to-"

"Fiddle sticks!" Anne interrupted, "I won't have you falling and ruining that marvelous dress!"

Diana had stopped, as she had been called by a boy in the class.

Mabel giggled, shaking her head, "Well, thank you, Anne."

Anne smiled, a half smile, simply staring at the girl. Mabel rose a brow, her heart speeding up at the intense gaze of the redheaded girl.

The boy had walked away moments ago, causing Diana to sit in silence as Mabel and Anne stared at each other.

Diana cleared her throat, "Are you girls okay?"

Anne seemed to panic after she was pulled from her thoughts, and before Mabel could blink, words were spitting out of Anne's mouth.

"Hm? Oh, oh, oh! Yes! Of course, Diana! Couldn't be better!" Anne rambled, spinning around and continuing on her way, much quicker than the other two.

"That was odd, was it not?"

"Was it? I don't think so! Anne is always off in her own little world! She probably got lost in thought.." Mabel defended, shaking her head.

Diana laughed loudly, "Probably about Gilbert Blythe."

A pang of jealousy hit Mabel's heart, and her worries increased.

Mabel, no! You can't like Gilbert Blythe! You just can't! You can't do that to Ruby! You can't do that to Anne! They're your friends and they'd be so hurt! Mabel scolded herself.

With a sigh, she realized that this was going to be a long two days.


{ Word Count: 1134 }

{ A/n: I'm sorry if this chapter was bad! Also we love our beautiful girlfriends. }

{ Edited: No }

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