Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapted Twenty-Nine:
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!

Never in her entire life had Mabel felt this way. Her body crawled with jealousy as she angrily made her way home, her mind flooded with the images of how Anne talked with Gilbert. How she looked when he asked to talk to her. How she looked when he was talking to her.

Mabel had never been this jealous in her life, and she hated it. She hated how Anne lit up when she was with Gilbert Blythe. She hated how Gilbert would try and swoop in at the last minute. She hated how Anne looked at Gilbert, and how he looked at her. Mabel wanted Anne to light up when she was with her. Mabel wanted Anne to look at her the same way Mabel looks at her. Mabel hated all of it.

It wasn't fair to Mabel. It wasn't fair that she'd spent years pining after Anne, writing letter after letter pouring out her heart into something she'd thought Anne would never read in her life. It wasn't fair that no matter how hard she tried, how much she hinted, how much she prayed, how much she hoped, Anne would never look at her the same way Mabel does. The way Mabel wanted Anne to look at her. It wasn't fair that Gilbert could spend years brushing Anne off, and then when Anne was finally turning around, he swooped in and tried to win her heart.

The loud rushing of the nearby stream only fueled her anger and annoyance rather than calm it. Mabel angrily tore her dress off, making sure not to harm the fabric. After all, it was her favorite dress. She hoped that it hadn't been tainted now, that would be a tragedy for her.

"Stupid Gilbert. Stupid boys. Stupid feelings. Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Mabel muttered, angrily pulling at the bow in her hair and slamming it onto her vanity. She took her brush, lazily pulling it through her coffee colored locks as she continued to mutter to herself.  "Stupid finishing school, stupid family, stupid expectations, stupid feelings! Stupid!"

She continued ranting angrily as she tightened her grip on the gold brush handle. "Why does everything have to be so damn hard!"

Mabel paused, looking towards the cieling, "Sorry, God. But it's true.. I'm still sorry, though."

Mabel huffed, glaring at herself in her mirror, her slightly barren bedroom behind showing in the reflection. The book shelf filled to the brim with books that held hidden letters in between them.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Mabel's head. She stood up, cringing at the sound of the wooden chair slamming onto the floor from the abrupt movement.

She moved quickly, pulling out each book, flipping through the pages, pulling out letter after letter and double checking until she was absolutely sure that she had every single one of them. Delicately and slowly, Mabel neatly placed each and every letter in the special box she held in her hands.

Mabel leaned down, planting a kiss against the wooden material, "Until tomorrow, Anne."


"What do you mean she's gone? Where has she gone? I leave tomorrow, Diana! Tomorrow! I have to tell her now!" Mabel ranted angrily as she paced mindlessly back and forth across the raven haired girl's bedroom. "Do you understand me, Diana? Anne has to know!"

"Tell her what, Mabel?" Diana asked softly, "You really should sit down, you're making me dizzy by simply watching you. Mabel grumbled, glancing at Diana as she continued to pace back and forth. Diana sighed, "Tell her what, Mabel? What does she have to know("

Mabel stopped in her tracks, spinning on heel and crossing her arms. "Diana.."

"Mabel, I'm a little worried.. are you okay?" Diana said slowly, standing from the bed and taking Mabel's hands into hers. "Are you okay?"

"Okay? Okay? How can I be okay when Anne doesn't know! I have to tell her, Diana." Mabel began pacing again as Diana let out an exasperated sigh and fell back onto her chair.

"Tell her what?" Diana tried once more, closing her eyes to prevent any more dizziness from watching Mabel's seemingly endless pacing.

Mabel's heart hammered against her chest, echoing in her ears as she came to an abrupt stop. "Tell her how I feel, of course."

Diana's eyes widened as she slowly began to place the pieces of the puzzle together. "Tell her that you.."

"That I love her." Mabel spoke quietly, a blanket of tension falling over the room as Mabel bit her lip and held her breath as she waited for Diana's reaction.

"Love her.." Diana said slowly, realization washing over her features as she raised to her head and locked eyes with Mabel. "I can help you."

Mabel paused, blinking slowly as she processed Diana's reaction. "Huh?"

"You love her.. and it's Anne, she definitely loves you, too." Diana shrugged, smoothing out the fabric of her dress. "I'm going to help you. Both of you. If you'd like, of course."

Mabel's heart skipped a beat as relief washed over her. An audible sigh left her pink lips as she fell back onto Diana's bed. "Oh, thank God."

"How long have you loved her.. or.. how long have you known that you've loved her?" Diana stood, taking small steps towards Mabel before seating herself beside her on the bed.

"You remember the soirees?" Mabel closed her eyes, resting both hands on her stomach. Diana nodded her head after a moment.

"The one where we found out about Aunt Jo and Aunt Gertrude?"

Mabel nodded, "Since then."

"And you've kept it in this entire time?" Diana gasped, "I would've gone completely insane!"

Mabel laughed, "I nearly did.. Until I started writing out my feelings into unsent love letters."

Diana smiled to herself, "That's really sweet of you, I'm sure she's going to love that."

"I don't know how I'm going to tell her, though. Where will I even begin? "Oh, yes, hello, Anne! Yes, I'm completely in love with you and I have been! Oh, you don't feel the same? That's alright! I'll just go cry the entire way to Switzerland and drown myself in the tears!" No!"

Diana cringed, "It's alright, I'll help you and we'll get this all figured out before you leave."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."


{ A/n; Next chap is the last chapter and im: incredibly sad }

{ Edited: No }

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