Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen:
Ice Skating Incidents

Mabel smiled, the snow falling lightly around her as Anne dragged her behind her. "Which way is it now?"

"Left!" Mabel giggled, nearly tripping over her own feet and falling down as Anne increased her speed, excited to ice skate.

Mabel's smile brightened, her dimples showing up against her rosy cheeks. As she exhaled, a cloud of miss left her lips.

"It's so terribly cold out, Anne." Mabel shivered, "I miss the warmth of summer, and I'm everso excited for it to return."

"Don't worry! We can drink hot tea after words, you taught me the best." Anne complimented, "Maple syrup, aho would've thought?"

Mabel grinned, "Okay."

Anne's voice silenced and the only sound filling Mabel's ears was the wind that whirled around her.

Her heart pounded against her chest as Anne pulled her around the towering trees surrounding Mabel's family's property.

"We're almost there?" Anne turned her head as she continued to run, her fiery hair flipping behind ber.

"Anne! Watch o-" Anne let out a yelp as her foot hit the ice, causing her to slip and fall backwards.

"Ow.." Anne winced pushing herself up and into the snow. "That hurt!"

"I said watch out!" Mabel giggled, covering her mouth with her pink mittens. "You should have listened to me."

Anne smiled, "Okay, but can we please start ice skating now?"

Mabel nodded, dropping herself into the snow. She took the ice skates from Anne's hands before strapping them over her own shoes.

"Elizabeth, Catherine and I used to cone out here all the time.. but after she left for finishing school and came back with a shiny new husband, she no longer had time for this." Mabel explained, pushing herself onto the ice. 

Mabel took Anne's hand into hers, spinning her around. "Be careful, though. Some of the ice can be fragile. Mother always warns me about that. She's so terriblly worried I'll end up freezimg to death."

Anne smiled brightly, tightening her grip as they spun in circles. "I can't believe that this lake froze over. It's nearly like a river, right?"

"Only the water doesn't flow nearly as fast." Mabel raised her finger in a as a matter of fact way.

Mabel's hair flowed behind her as she spun, happiness flooding her veins.

Anne's red hair blew behind her, standing out against the bright white snow.

So pretty. Mabel thought, she couldn't help but let her eyes trail down from Anne's to her plump lips.

"Your hair looks really good against the white snow." Mabel mumbled, looking up at the taller girl.

"Your hair always looks good, though. I'm incredibly jealous." Anne laughed, shaking her head.

"Woah!" Mabel gasped, losing her footing and falling backwards, pulling Anne with her.

Anne inhaled sharply, noticing how elegant Mabel looked against the ice.

She noticed that Mabel always smelled so sweet.. Like maple syrup.

She supposed it fit, seeing her families work. It also must fit her name. Mabel and Maple sound awfully alike, afterall.

Anne gulped, rolling herself of Mabel, her heart beating at an odd speed, leaving her with one question.

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