Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen:
The Nutcracker

"I'm so, so, so, so terribly sorry!" Anne cried. "I-I didn't mean to bring him up! I-I truly didn't think it would hurt you! I'm.. I'm so, so, so sorry!"

Anne's words had hurt Mabel a great deal, and as much as Mabel wanted to show her that she just couldn't blurt things like that out, to teach her a lesson, to make Anne work just a bit harder for Mabel's forgiveness.. she didn't.

If Anne were to accompany her to the Nutcracker tonight, it would be terribly awkward if Mabel didn't accept her apologies.

Mabel sighed, shaking her head. "It's alright, Anne.. j-just.. just, please don't.. do it again, please?"

"I-I won't! I promise!" Anne shook her head, pulling Mabel into her arms and hugged her tightly. "I love you dearly, I never meant to hurt you! And I never will again! Ever!"

Mabel sighed, wrapping her arms around her. "I love you, too, Anne."

If only Anne knew just how much she meant those words.

Anne gasped, pulling away suddenly, startling Mabel. "Oh, sorry.. But I can't believe I forgot!"

"What is it?" Mabel asked, putting a hand on her chest from Anne's sudden outburst. "Do you have extra sch-"

"Marilla's allowing me to join you!" Anne clapped her hands together, "Only if I will be back by Christmas Eve."

Mabel squealed, "Really? That's wonderful!"

"Yes!" Anne spun Mabel around the room excitedly again. "This is going to be so much fun!"

Mabel laughed joyfully, her red dress swishing from the wind. "You're going  to enjoy Charlottetown all decorated for Christmas! Trust me."

"Who else is joing us?"

"W-Well, actually.. it'll just be us.. Josie's mother declined our invatation.. And my family, of course, I'd avoid Catherine, if I were you.. she gets meaner around.. well.. her time." Mabel warned.. "But don't worry! You'll be fine, it'll be amazing!"

"I do believe so!"

"Seeing the Nutcracker is like.. a time honored family tradition!" Mabel sighed in content, "I'm excited to share it with you tonight!"

Mabel continued to ramble excitedly as she moved her hands around for emphasis. Mabel moved her to sit on the bed as she stood above her making hand gestures to go along with what she was saying. Though, Anne wasn't listening to her.. she was focused on something else entirely.

Anne smiled, briefly glancing down at the girl's lips. They looked so.. so perfect. So.. luscious.. kissable, even.

The way they curved when Mabel spoke or smiled.  Anne liked the way Mabel's lips moved when she talked.

"Anne? Anne, have you been listening to me?" Mabel deadpanned, crossing her arms. "At all?"

Anne startled out of her thoughts as she looked up at Mabel.

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