Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One:

"Anne!" Mabel cheered, throwing her arms around her. Anne laughed, wrapping her arms around Mabel's waist. "Hello!"

Mabel blushed as Anne pulled away. Her heart sped up as she traced Anne's features with her eyes.

Anne looked around at the girls before she leaned down and picked up a book from the snow. She flipped through the pages before turning to the blonde girl beside her. "Ruby.. You're supposed to be covering the game. Where are the highlights? Do you even know the score?"

"It's just a school newspaper, Anne. not the Daily Telegraph." Josie said, crossing her arms to conserve heat.

"We don't even need an article about the game. We're all here." Ruby pointed out.

"She's busy ogling you know who!" Tilley teased as Billy knocked ice onto Josie.

"Oh!" Josie gasped, stumbling into Mabel.

"Cad! Bounder!" Josie called back with a grin.

"Josie! You've really caught Billy's eye!"

"Oh, I'm trying to make my peace with it." Jane said, shaking her head.

"With what?"

"That Josie may become her sister." Diana explained briefly.

"In law! Sister-in-law!" Jane corrected, crossing her arms and glaring over at the blonde.

Mabel giggled as she looked up at Josie. Anne sighed beside her, brushing her red hair from her eyes. "Alright! I'll write the article. Who are.  the team captains this week?"

"Gilbert." Ruby replied readily.

"Okay, and?" Anne paused, waiting for her to continue


"Diana.." Moody tipped his hat at her as he passed before stumbling over his feet.

"Going to take pity on poor Moody?" Josie tilted her head, a smirk plastered on her face.

"You know my family won't allow it.." Diana shook her head solemnly.

"Too rich to be a minister's wife?"

"Isn't Ruby covering the game?" Gilbert propped one foot on the snow to keep from sliding.

"Ruby's very.. preoccupied! With a certain someone!" Tilley answered for Anne.

Mabel giggled as Ruby's face changed to a deep red. After he left, she turned with a dreamy look in her eyes. "He noticed me! He looked right at me and smiled."

"You're delusional." Josie shook her head.

Ignoring her comments, Ruby continued to daydream. "Ruby Blythe."

"Oh, they're here!"  Mabel pointed at the man arriving with his daughter. Mabel, with the help of Moody to get her footing, carefully walked over to them.

She came to a stop, putting out her hands to balance herself as Gilbert skated up beside her.

"Hello, good afternoon." He greeted kindly. "I'd like to order a stick. If I may... Uh."

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