Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four:
Oh, How She Longed To Freely Dance With Her Fire Haired Love

"Today, we're going to be learning about the birds and the bees." Ms. Stacy folded her hands together as she spoke

Mabel giggled, turning to Anne. "Finally!"

Ms. Stacy sighed, shaking her head. "The bee collects pollen and nectar to feed the hive and create honey. The flower receives pollen, which it needs to bear fruit. I assure you, the lesson will be illuminated all the same. And then we have the birds. Take the red-breasted nuthatch, its main source of food is the spruce budworm, which is a conifer pest. So while the red-breast-"

Mabel swallowed thickly, glancing over at Anne as she tried to control her breathing. Ms. Stacy led the class through the forest, combining to explain the lesson as Mabel began to zone out on the sky. She glanced over at Moody as he began to step onto a mossy rock.

A terrible scream left his mouth, causing Mabel to turn her head. "Moody!"

She left Anne's side, rushing forward to see the wound. Mabel stumbled back at the sight, her breath catching in her throat as she looked away.

"Oh.. my word.. that's blood." Mabel felt the world spin around her as flashes from the previous winter flashed through her mind. Her vision became spotty as she heard Josie's voice faintly calling out for her. Her eyes shut and her body hit the ground.


Mabel stared in jealousy at the board. Not only had more notes appeared, more notes for Anne, but more than one of Mabel's anonymous notes had been clearly ripped off.

"I'm going to go get Anne." Diana said excitedly. Mabel hummed in response, folding her arms as she glared at the board.

"Hmph." Mabel huffed shaking her head as she pulled herself from her trance on the board at the sound of Anne's voice.

"Mabel! Come along. They're beginning the dance lessons." Anne rushed over to Mabel, slipping her hand into Mabel's. "Don't worry about some little notice me board."

Anne dropped their connected hands as the school house door closed behind them. "As promise, today we'll be praying for the county-fair barn dance. Mr. and Mrs. Lynde have kindly consented to help us in this endeavor."

The door opened, causing Mabel to lean over and peer over Ms. Stacy's shoulder. "Since The Dashing White Sergeant needs a set of six, I thought we'd better do so. Oh, you remember my son."

Mabel giggled as a grimace crossed her teacher's face, clearing her throat when she earned a warning look from the woman. "Yes, of course."

"It's very nice to see you again." The man said nervously, clutching his hat in front of him.

"Thank you... all for coming to help. Shall we?" Ms Stacy cleared her throat awkwardly, stepping to the side.

"We shall!" Mrs. Lynde stepped to the side, "Pay particular attention to the patterns. Ready?"

"Ready when you are, Mrs. Lynde." Mr. Lynde grinned, stepping in front of her.

"Please clap out the rhythm." Mrs. Lynde clapping her hands together to show the correct rhythm. She nodded to herself, joining hands with the people beside her. "And right steps round. Five, six, seven, and eight, and back the other way!"

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