Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six:

"That dress looks really pretty on you, Josie." Mabel complimented, smiling shyly up at her as she rubbed the fabric in between her fingers. "This color suits you incredibly well.:

Josie rolled her eyes teasingly, her cheeks pinkening a shade as she looped her arm with Mabel's. "Thank you, Mabel."

Mabel grinned at her, looking at the barn ahead of them. "You gonna dance with Billy tonight?"

Josie shrugged, "Maybe, maybe not.. I do have so many other eligible bachelors lining up just.. begging for my hand in marriage."

Mabel laughed, shaking her head. She was more than glad that she and Josie had grown much closer after her ice skating incident.

"You'll save me a dance, yes?" Mabel asked. She knew there was no chance with Anne. The girk was clearly dead gone over Gilbert Blythe. It hurt Mabel's heart, and she refused to pine after a girl who would never return her feelings for the rest of her days. She refused to fall victim to heartbreak anymore than she already has. She wanted to move on. She needed to move on.

Josie gasped, "Mabel! People will surely talk if two girls are dancing together."

Mabel bit her lip, "Let them talk."


Mabel giggled joyfully as she connected her hands with her partners and began circling left.

Anne looped her arm with Mabel's as she spun her around. "Flying high in a balloon makes you realize that we are but the teeniest drops in an enormous bucket."

Mabel's heart skipped a beat and she sighed, realizing that there is no way she's getting over Anne anytime soon. Diana laughed, shaking her head. "If you say so."

"My problems suddenly feel insignificant." Anne cried, shaking her head. Mabel nodded in agreement, winking at Josie as she passed her. The man shouted The dance moves as Mabel raised her hands and walked forward. Her breath caught in her throat when Anne grinned brightly at her as she ducked under her arms.

Mabel blushed as Winifred commenced their hands and moved on to Winifred. Anne stared at Winifred, narrowing her eyes in jealousy as Mabel laughed nervously and ran over to the girls when the music stopped.

"Gilbert has a secret sweetheart!" Jane gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Mabel, Anne, you both were dancing with them.. Who is she?"

"Her names Winifred." Mabel answered, giggling as Tillie leaned in.

"She's so pretty!" Mabel hummed in agreement, nodding her head along with Tillie.

"She's at least Prissy's age, if not older." Jane continued, crossing her arms and grinning as her eyes trailed over Winifred. Anne huffed, pursing her lips and looking down at her feet.

"A true lady."

"Wealthy, too." Josie nodded to herself, crossing her arms. "She must be from Charlottetown."

"Maybe she was his patient!" Ruby gasped, excitedly clapping her hands together. "Did he make her well?"

Mabel gasped, covering her mouth with her hands as her face reddened. "Ruby! You can't say things like that!"

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