Chapter 1

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Toris POV

It's the first day back to school. Summer was fun. Now it's Tuesday and school is sadly back in.

I arrive at school and walk to my locker and I'm greeted by Robbie.

"Hey Tori" he says excitedly. "Hi Robbie" and not a second later I have arms wrapped around my waist by one very happy girl.

I turn around and see my favorite red head standing there. "Tori!" She squeals giving me another hug. "Hey Cat!" I say hugging her back. "How was your-" before Cat could say another word here comes Beck and Jade stomping down the hall.

"You just had to get her number didn't you?"
"She's a friend!" Beck says throwing his hands up in the air. "That you meet on vacation! When I wasn't around! You didn't have to hide it."Jade says crossing her arms.

"Well I knew you'd act like this if I didn't." Beck defends. "So why do it then?!"

"Hey guys" I say breaking them from there argument. "Ugh" Jade says and rolls her eyes. "Hi!" Cat squeals again pulling Beck and Jade into a hug. "Get off me" Jade says in a annoyed tone and Cat quickly moves besides me.

I go to say something else and the bell rings so we all head to class. Today has been a rough day, struggling to stay awake is difficult after break. But finally the lunch bell rings and we all rush to get there. I sat down next to Robbie and Cat.

"Does anyone know what they're doing for this impossible project thing?" Robbie says flustered. "What impossible project thing?" I ask.

"Robbie and I have this project we have to start tomorrow, it's about taking something that seems impossible and making it possible. It's worth half our grade and due by the end of the semester" Beck kindly explains.

"So like making Jade and I become friends" I laugh. "Expect that's not even possible Vega." Jade says stabbing her salad with her fork. "Is it a group project thing?" I ask.

"Just two people work together, but yeah" Robbie says. "Good luck boys, can't wait to see what you come up with" Andre says.

Jades POV

"Hey babe, I'll see you tomorrow alright?" Beck says pulling me close and kissing my forehead.

I love his touch, and his soft tone it makes me feel so safe. Even if I am mad at him...

"Okay see you" I say kissing his lips and walking away. "Jade" I hear Tori call out to me as I walk bye her locker to the doors.

"No" I say and keep walking. "Jade!" She calls louder and I walk outside and get in my car and drive home.

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