A new beginning

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I woke up and rolled over to check what time it was. 12:36. Fuck.

I quickly get up and put on what clothes look nice from my suitcase. I walk over to one of the boxes on the floor and grab what little makeup I had for the rest was in the moving van.

The moving van wouldn't be here until Tuesday so I would just have to wear whatever was in my suitcase for the time being. I walked downstairs and realized my mom was still asleep.

I grabbed the key off of the counter, slipped it in my pocket, and searched for a notepad and pen. I wrote a note on the notepad saying that I was going into town to try and learn where some of the shops were. I signed my name at the bottom and went to go open the door. As I reached for the handle there was a knock.

I opened the door to see a man with jet black hair and green eyes standing at my doorstep. His shirt was pink with black stripes on it. I couldn't help but notice the huge smile on his face, which caused me to smile slightly. Maybe moving here wasn't such a bad thing after all.

"Hello!" He said. "Hi?" I said, confused as to who he was.
"I'm Dominic, but you can call me Dom if ya want to." He continued.
"Nice to meet you Dom." I answered.
"My name's y/n." I said, my smile growing bigger.

"So, you're the new neighbors eh?" He asked. I had only just noticed he had an English accent similar to mine.
"I suppose so." I shrugged.
"Do you wanna hang out?" Dom asked, still smiling.
"I mean, I was just about to go out so I guess." I shrugged once again.

As walked out and closed the front door to lock it, Dom was already down the steps. "Great." He continued our conversation from a few seconds before. "I could show you some of the shops around town if you like?" He asked. "That'd be great, thank you man" I replied.

We started down the street and made the occasional small talk as he asked me where I was from and why I moved to Doncaster. I told him bits and pieces, not telling him about my dad or my mom. As soon as we got to town, Dom stopped in his tracks.

"What is it?" I asked him. He didn't say a thing and just pointed to a small ice cream shop on the corner."Can we go?" He asked. He then began begging as if he was five years old.
"If you stop acting like a five year old" I replied with a small chuckle.

He grabbed my arm and started running towards the shop, dragging me behind him. "I'll pay!" He says as we arrive at the door.

We step inside and immediately the cashier waves at Dom.

"What can I get for you today man?" He asked, looking me up and down.
"Eh, can I get two blue moons in waffle cones please?" Dom asked.

I thought it was a bit weird that he just picked my ice cream for me. Or maybe I thought it was weird that he picked my favorite flavour. Either way, I wasn't complaining. After all, he was paying anyways.

I watched as the cashier took a waffle cone, plopped some ice cream into it, and handed Dom the cone. He did the same thing with the mine and handed it to Dom again. I noticed the cashier looking at me a bit too much, but I just let it go cause it didn't matter to me.

"Thank you so much man!" Dom smiled as he pulled out his wallet to pay. " Its on the house man." The cashier smiled and looked at me.

I was starting to think maybe everyone was bonkers in this town, but maybe it's just the few that Dom knows.

Dom handed me my ice cream and we walked out of the doors.

"Thank you for buying me ice cream" I smiled at him. MY ADHD was bouncing through the roof right now, and I didn't know why.

"Fuck" I yelled quickly before Dom could respond. "What man?" He asked . "I forgot to take my fuckin ADHD medication."

Dom's smile quickly faded.

"You know that shit messes up your personality fooking big time man. I would just throw it out if I were you." He said. His smile appeared again.

I thought about his words for a second
"I guess your right man." I said, realizing he had a point.

"Your damn right." He responded.

We spent the rest of the day hanging out. He walked me home and just then I realized my neighbor, was my next door neighbor, which made me even happier because Dom was the only person I knew so far, other than the ice cream cashier man.

My mom had asked me what a did and if I hung out with anyone. I told her I was hanging out with the neighbor. I left out the part that he was a boy. My mom seemed pretty excited about it.

45 minutes later

"I've got to go to work in an hour, and the drive is thirty minutes so I better get ready." My mom said, thinking I was paying attention. I wasn't.

As soon as she left, I grabbed my ADHD medicine and threw it away. I liked not having to take it. It made me feel free, not full anymore.

I walked up to my bedroom and looked out the window. I saw Dom's house and noticed his bedroom window was across from mine.

I opened the window and yelled, "Hey man, what's up." I saw him look up and smile at me. He opened his window. "Holy shit, our rooms are across from each other. Mental. Its like meant to be!" I rolled my eyes at his joke.

"Hey do you want to hang out tommorow too." I said. "Its a Sunday and I have fucking no clue what to do" I continued.

He thought for a second.

"Yeah, I'm free tommorow. I'm down to hang. Let's say we walk around town again eh?" He asked.
"Yeah, sounds good. What time will you be up man so I don't wake you from your beauty rest?" I question, slightly joking about the beauty rest part.

"About seven." He replies.
"Fuck man that's early. I'll be sure to walk to you house sometime after ten cause I won't be up at seven." I said.

"Alright works for me. I'll see you tommorow man" he shrugs, still with a smile on his face, which only makes my smile wider.

"Ill see you tommorow." I say as I shut my window after he shuts his.

I lay down in my bed and think about all that happened that I couldn't get out on my head, and how so far, Doncaster wasnt that bad.

Worst thing, is that I couldn't get Dom off of my mind either.

I don't know how the story is or how my upload schedule but I know that u have bigger plans for this story, and even if nobody reads it I'm still gonna post because I like where this story is going.

I LUV YA!!🖤🖤🖤

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