Remembering the past.

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I woke up to Dom with his arms tightly wrapped around me as he was sound asleep.
I quietly slipped myself out of them and went to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

I eventually found an open bag of goldfish and went to go sit back by Dom.

Before I could even walk out of the kitchen, I heard my phone go off.
I grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked who it was.

1 New Message From Unknown

I tapped the message and quickly unlocked my phone.

Unknown: Babe, I wanna get back together.

"Shit" I say as I feel Dom wrap his arms around me, setting his head on my shoulder.

"Wait, who in the fook?" Dom asked. I assumed he'd read the message.
"Just my ex." I sighed.
"He's a dickhead. I'll probably just block him or some shit." I continue.

Unknown: I know you hate me, but I just want to talk.

Unknown: I'm going to call you.

Y/n: Don't call me Josh.

Josh: I love you.

I knew Dom was definitely still reading the messages and wanted him to know I loved him, not Josh.

Y/n: I don't love you.

Josh: Who do you love.

Y/n: My Boyfriend.

Josh: you're such a whore, nobody should even date you. You're fuckin ugly. We literally broke up a month ago because you fucking cheated on me. Fuck you.

Y/n: Fuck off Josh.

I sent the last text before I chucked my phone as hard as I could at the floor. I saw the screen shatter into a million pieces and remembered Dom was still holding on to me. But then he let go.

"What did he mean you 'cheated'" Dom asked.
"Before I moved, bout a month prior, for Josh and I's one year anniversary, Josh though it would be a good idea to sneak into the club.

We got in and everything was fine.
I had been drinking and about an hour later I was very tipsy and couldn't even stand up on my own." I explain.

I try not to tear up, but end up doing it anyways.

"Josh told me he had to go to the bathroom. He went to the bathroom and this guy came up to me. I was really drunk at that point. I thought maybe he would go away after a few minutes, so I just sat there, continuing to drink. After about five minutes, Josh was still in the bathroom. This guy didn't leave. I still couldn't stand up without help and had no control over myself at all.
He ended up walking me to his house." I pause.

"You can tell me, Y/n" Dom said. His voice was soft. I already knew I could trust him, I just hated talking about it.

"I woke up in his bed in the morning" I sighed.

"Wait, what?" Dom said. I completely ignored him and continued to talk.

"I remember the sheets were blue." I said, voice shaking.

"I told Josh and he just called me a whore and a slag. He thought I cheated on him" I said, feeling a tear roll down my cheek.

I stopped myself from crying because I don't like crying in front of people. It gives me anxiety.

Dom walked over to me and held me tight. He leaned down and gave me a kiss.

"I know you didn't cheat." Dom replied, his forehead on mine.

"Thank God somebody does." I said laughing, allowing another tear roll down my cheek.

"You know how I know?" Dom asked.
I shook my head.
"Because if you did, you wouldn't be hanging out with me." He said, starting to tear up.

I started crying and slowly made my way to the ground. Dom followed me to the ground, and ended up cradling me till I fell asleep.

Dom's POV

I cradled Y/n as she was crying. I couldn't believe all of the nasty shit that guy Josh was saying about her.
He was a complete asshole.

I stood up, Y/n still in my arms, and brought her upstairs. I walked into our room and set her down in the bed. I layed down next to her and held her close.

A few hours later.

I couldn't sleep. I don't know why. I let go of y/n and headed to my studio. Before I left the room, I noticed how beautiful Y/n was when she was asleep. I walked out the door, into the hallway, and into the studio.

I turned on the mic and shut the door. I made sure not to be too loud because I didn't want to wake up Y/n.
I grabbed my guitar and started strumming slightly.

"She leaves her parents house around midnight, meets her best mate, at the shop, buy some cheap wine, then go to space. See the Milky Way. Get away from the everyday teenage cliche pressure."

I finished singing about 5 minutes later. I listened to it real quickly and changed a few things until I was satisfied.

I shut everything down and went back into the bedroom.
I layed down next to Y/n and wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her on the cheek and started singing quietly in her ear.

"Wise men say. Only fools rush in. For I, can't, help. Falling in love with you."
I sang as I nuzzled up closer.

"I love you so much Y/n." I whispered.

Y/n's POV

I woke up to Dom kissing me on the cheek. I don't know if he knew I was awake or not. He put his lips up to my ear and started singing to me.

He started singing an Elvis song that my Father used to sing to me when I was younger. I listened to to the familiar words,

"Wise men say. Only fools rush in. For I, can't, help. Falling in love with you" Dom sang as he nuzzled up closer to me.

His voice was like a choir of angels in one voice. Beautiful and soft.
"I love you so much Y/n" Dom whispered. I felt him nuzzle even closer. God I loved him.

Hey I hope you like this chapter!! I tried to put a lot of thought into it. I feel like it turned out ok but oh well. I love writing this story so far guys!!!

I LOVE YA!!!🖤🖤🖤

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