Onto London

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I walked outside and hopped into the uber. Dom and Adam sat on either side of me with Micheal sitting up front.
"Where to mate?" The driver asked Micheal.

"Ehm, the night school and then to the airport." Micheal replied.

The driver nodded and pulled out of the driveway.

"Are you excited?" Dom said smiling at me.

"I mean, yeah, a bit nervous as well." I said turning to him.

"Why are you nervous?" Dom asked

"I don't know, I just haven't been in London for awhile." I replied

There was one thing I didn't tell Dom, How my dad died. I don't even think I told him if my dad died.

The reason I was nervous was because when I was last in London, my dad got hit by a car and later died in the hospital. I was nervous because I didn't want to break down and start crying in front of Dom's friends. I'm sure I will be alright, but I don't know for sure.

"We're here." Dom said smiling widely.

"We'll be right back" I told the driver.

I closed the door behind me and walked toward the entrance of the school with Dom in front of me.
We walked in the school and into the office to see the receptionist.

"May we please speak to the principal Mrs?" Dom asked her.

"Of course dear" she smiled. We watched as she phoned up the principal told us to enter his office.

"Thank you" I smiled

We walked into the principals office and sat down.

"Hello Dominic, Hello Y/n. Mrs Robin phoned me and said you guys needed to speak to me about something?" The Principal asked.

"Yes, well, basically sir, I got a record deal and in order to keep the deal on the table, I have to go on tour. I asked Y/n to go with me and she said yes." Dom said anxiously.

"So you two are basically dropping out?" He asked

Dom and I nodded.

"Well why can't Y/n stay? She lives with her mother doesn't she?" He asked me.

"Um, well I uh, did but I got kicked out and moved in with Dom sir." I replied looking down at my feet.

"Oh, very well then, let me check your credits real quickly."

"Hmmm, Mrs. Y/l/n seems to have just enough credits to be able to drop out but Dominic, you seem to be one short of being able to-"

"Sir, I'm being nice, I didn't have to tell you and you know that. I didn't think you would have to have a certain amount of credits to pass." Dom interrupted

"I know, and that's why I am going to give you the last credit you need. Have fun on your tour Dominic, I hope you two have a blast" The principal smiled.

Dom and I looked at each other and thanked the principal. We ran out to the car and told the guys the good news.

"So he gave you a free credit" Micheal asked

"Yeah, fuckin crazy too since he was usually an ass to me." Dom replied.

"I think that's because you got in trouble a lot Dom." Adam replied laughing.

"Well, at least I even attended that shit" Dom replied.

We talked for the entire time making eachother laugh and telling each other stories.

"Fookin shit my legs" Dom said stretching.

"Yeah, me too mate" I agreed

We walked into the building and went through the airporty things.
(sorry I've never been to an airport before Soo I'm this is the best I could do)

As soon as we got on the plane I got nervous. I had never flown before. I grabbed Dom's hand and we sat down in our seats. Luckily our seats were next to each other.

"Hey love, don't worry, it's my first time flying too." Dom said our of nowhere.

"I might have a panic attack, I don't know, I feel alright right now but I don't know if I will once we leave the ground" I replied.

"Not gonna lie Y/n, I'll probably have one as well. If anything we can get Adam to comfort us"Dom said slightly laughing.

After a few minutes the plane flew off. I didn't have a huge panic attack like I thought I would, but Dom did. I ended up lifting up the arm of the seat so he could lay in my lap. I ended up playing with his hair until he fell asleep, then falling asleep not long after.

Adams POV

"Oi, look at them two." I said to pointing to Y/n and Dom.

"Yeah they look pretty comfy."Micheal replied.

"Do you wanna cuddle Mikey?" I said in a silly toned voice.

"Of course" he said in an even funnier toned voice making us both laugh.

I lifted up the armrest and leaned on Mikey's shoulder and he leaned on my head.

Me and Mikey have been best friends since grade school. We never were apart really. We do cuddle but I don't think it's weird. I mean, girls do it, so why can't boys?

I hear Mikey snore and smack him in the nose.

"Oi, what was that for?" Mikey said rubbing his nose.

"You were snoring in my ear and I couldn't fall asleep." I laughed.

"Whatever," he said placing his head back where it was. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep.

Y/n's POV

I woke up to my head on Dom's lap.
Did I fall asleep on his lap, no, he fell asleep on mine.

I sat up and almost immediately Dom looked over and smiled.

"Good Morning" He beamed.

"Morning" I said rubbing my eyes.

"I fell asleep on your lap and woke up to use the bathroom. You looked uncomfortable so I put your head on my lap. Hopefully you slept well." Dom smiled.

"I slept great" I smiled back.

'The Plane is Now landing, please buckle up' I head the speakers announce.

Dom and I buckled up and a second later, we felt the plane hit the ground.

"Damn, that was scary, eh?" Mikey said.

"Yeah, a little." Dom replied.

"Oh don't even, you had a giant panic attack." I said smiling.

"Yeah, so what?" He said pulling me close.

"Oh, shit, what's that" Adam said out of nowhere.


I LOVE YA🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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