December 1st

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Helloo! First of all thank you for starting this Malec/Sizzy Advent calendar! It's a collab with magnuswayland so here's again a little information. On this account every second day until Christmas will be uploaded a chapter. I'll write it in Sizzy's POV and Magnuswayland will do Malec's POV. We both upload the first chapter today and after that, I will upload tomorrow and she'll upload on the 3rd December. Stay tuned and check both our story's! Here you go, It's christmas time!

Alec POV

I walked out of the College. I was done for this year, finally. It was December first and that means we're free for a whole month. Luckily we  had all our exams before christmas so we can enjoy our holidays.

Everyone was already talking about how they will spend their holidays and how fancy they will celebrate Christmas. Ugh - I hate that. I don't even know why everyone makes so much drama about that. It's a day just like any other. A normal day in New York.

I never really loved it that much. I mean I did celebrate with my family but I never really got the point of Christmas.

This year my mom and my dad won't be here. They will be in Spain. I just think they don't feel like celebrating as well. I'll stay at home - probably with Izzy.

Izzy is in the same college as me and we have a really good relationship. Even though she has a really different personality. She loves Make-up and is making a drama out of everything.

She also loves Christmas which causes a lot of discussions between us. She wants to have a fancy celebration, while I just want to watch movies and maybe eat cookies. Of course cookies I bought, because I wouldn't bake some myself. She doesn't really get my point and I don't get hers.

„Hey, dude, wait for me!" someone called behind me. I stopped and turned around. It was Simon who was walking up to me.

Simon was my best friend in college. We're roommates, which is why we got really close. He's nerdy and first I thought he's weird but it turned out he's actually a pretty cool guy. The best thing about him is that he doesn't like Christmas as well. He's really the only one that gets my point.

„What are you up to without me?" he asked as he was next to me. I grinned.

„I was about to meet my sister but feel free to join me. She's bringing a friend as well." I told him.

„Of course I'll join. She's called Isabelle, right?" he asked and I nodded. They don't really know each other. Of course they saw each other sometimes but they didn't really talk.

Together we walked to the city, to a restaurant. We wanted to have lunch together since we have the time now. On the way I already saw a lot of Christmas decoration. Ugh - for what? I mean all these lights cost money.

When we arrived the first thing I noticed was the Christmas music. I sighed and looked around for my sister. She was sitting in the right corner, next to the window. Everytime we meet here, she sits there so why was I even looking?

Next to her sat a young man. Probably the really good friend of her. I know him - not good but I do. I saw him in our college but I don't remember his name. Marcus? Maybe.

We went to them and I hugged my sister. We sat down in front of them and both of them smiled at us. I have a feeling that this Marcus guy is just like my sister.

„I brought a friend. I hope that's okay - that's Simon." I said. My sister nodded.

„Yeah I know you!" she said. „This is Magnus." she told us and pointed to Marcus whose name apparently isn't Marcus.

„I'm Alec." I said. He nodded.

„I know. Isabelle already told me a lot about you." he answered. I grinned. I know exactly what she told him.

„So you know that I don't like Christmas? Let me tell you something - Simon doesn't like it as well." I said proudly. Izzy always said I'm the only person that doesn't like Christmas. Well, here's the proof that this isn't true.

„What?! How, like what is wrong with you?" Izzy asked Simon. He raised his hands innocently and grinned. She rolled her eyes. „You both are unbelievable." she added. I shrugged.

„I love Christmas. I mean it's the most beautiful time of the year." Magnus said now. I looked at him. I knew it. „I just think you guys never really had a magical Christmas." he said. Now Izzy looked at him and then at us.

Oh no. I know that face. She has an idea and I already know that I won't like it. She grinned.

„I just got an idea!" she said. There it was. I looked at Simon who frowned.

„I don't like that." I said. Izzy looked at me offended me and boxed me on the shoulder. „Ouch!" I said and rubbed the hurting spot. Magnus grinned and so did Simon. Betrayers, I thought.

„You didn't even hear it yet!" she said. I rolled my eyes and leaned back. „How about a Christmas battle?" she said. I frowned.

„A what?" I asked.

„A Christmas battle!" she repeated with excitement. „Who can organize the most magical Christmas wins." she explained. I looked at Simon who just shrugged.

„Simon and me versus you and Magnus?" I asked. I saw her looking at Magnus and both of them grinned. After that she looked at me again and shook her head.

„No. You and Magnus, me and Simon." she said and I looked at her confused. Why? What's the point?

„Why is that?" I asked. Izzy sighed.

„It's obvious big brother. Me and Magnus know what to do and you and Simon definitely don't. Also so we all get to know each other better." she explained. Oh, now it makes sense.

„You'll spend the next 24 days together, trying to organize the most magical Christmas anyone could ever have." she added.

„And in the end?" Simon asked.

„We'll celebrate Christmas together. Of course in the apartment which looks way more magical. Either my apartment or Izzy's." Magnus explained.

„Why your apartment?" I asked curious. Magnus shrugged.

„Because in the end just mine and Izzy's apartment will be decorated and not yours." he answered. Mhm.

„So what do you think?" she asked. I looked at Simon who grinned and nodded.

„We're in!" I said and Izzy clapped her hands happily. I don't know Magnus good and it will be weird to spend the next 24 days with him but we will win this. I know it.

Christmas battle- Sizzy's POVWhere stories live. Discover now