December 16th

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magnuswayland posted yesterday's chapter- check it out for some malec!

Simon POV

I was on my phone when Isabelle came into the room. We both caught a slight cold from the sleighing but it was so worth it. "Are you feeling better?", Isabelle asked and I nodded. We both spent yesterday in our bed and almost fully recovered. What about you?", I asked. "Same.", she replied. Although we both still looked like Rudolph with our red noses we were really grateful that the cold wasn't severe and we could carry on with our Christmas bucket list. Actually, I used yesterday quite efficiently. I spent almost all day on Pinterest to search for good Christmas present ideas and I happened to find quite some good stuff. On some Christmas present guide I read that thoughtful presents with insiders are a great idea. So, yesterday I found a trustable print shop in my area and I ordered two 'Expect the unexpected' t-shirts. I grinned. Hopefully, Isabelle still remebered the insider. Those t-shirts were my main present but I thought it would be lovely to have some other smaller stuff to frame it. "So, are we going to go Christmas shopping now?", Isabelle asked me. I shrugged and acted completely innocent. 'Sure.',  replied and she smiled. Without another word she hurried upstairs which seemed to be a sign for me to get dressed. Quickly, I put on a long sleeve and a hoodie on top of that. It was a really warm and cozy outfit. "Wait!", Isabelle said as I was about to put on my shoes, "We haven't opened our calendars yet!" I chuckled. I actually had no idea what I put into her calendar for today. "You go first.", I demanded. With a grin she opened door sixteen. Out of there, she pulled a large pack of pastel pink razors. "So that's what the cupcake-scent shaving cream from yesterday was for.", she chuckled. I nodded:" I've got you. And holy fuck, why are woman's razors so much more expensive than men's?" She shrugged:" Literally struggle of my life. I have no idea." "Still, you bought the more expensive ones.", she added smiling. I couldn't resist but smile myself. "Only the most beautiful things for the most beautiful girl.", I smiled. "How do I deserve you?", she sighed delightfully and blew a kiss in my direction. I chuckled. "Okay, it's your turn now."; she said and I obeyed. "No!", I laughed as I also pulled out a pack of razors. She chuckled. "Your cinammon-scent shaving cream is coming tomorrow." I laughed:" Two idiots, one thought." "Literally. But hey, everyone needs razors." "Couldn't agree more.", I nodded. This remembered me that I didn't shave yesterday. "Do you mind a beardy boyfriend? I didn't shave today.", I asked bus Isabelle immediately shook her head. "Not at all. And if there will get any snow caught in it I will laugh myself to death." I laughed and finally slipped into my boots. Isabelle shrugged on her coat and we both put on our scarfs and beanies. As we stepped outside, the cold immediately made us blush. Quickly we got to the car and I already regretted not taking any gloves with me. As Isabelle checked driving I had a quick look onto my shopping list- I wanted to get our favorite Christmas cookies and I found some reindeer-hairclips. "Do you already have an idea what you are going to get?", Isabelle asked and I shrugged. "I guess it is going to be a surprise ma'am." She tried to look insulted but failed right away. I just couldn't take her seriously. Ariana Grande's 'Santa tell me' was playing on the radio and me and Isabelle sang along quietly. " I guess I reached my life goal. You are singing Christmas songs with me. We are so going to win this battle." I laughed:" I bet Magnus and Alec are also doing pretty well." She shrugged:" I doubt that. When it comes to Christmas, I feel like there is literally no hope for my brother. He is the laziest and most boring person I know. How could be such a Christmas hater be related to me?", she complained. I couldn't help myself and burst out laughing:" Well, I also felt as if nothing on earth could convince me to like Christmas. And I was right. Nothing on earth could. But a certain person can." She smiled:" I know I am pretty good at forcing my opinion onto other people. I laughed:" Not necessarily a bad characteristic. I f you are going to so something with trading or politics, you should definitely write that into your application." "Let's not talk about school in the most beautiful time of the year.", she begged and parked the car in front of the shopping center. "Call me when you're ready."; she said and grabbed her purse. "Alright, See you later.", I said and we left to different entrances. It was surprisingly warm in the store and as I knew exactly what to get I immediately made my way to the food department to pick up the cookies. Luckily, I found them pretty easily. When I wandered through the Department I also saw some Christmas tea which I spontaneously also decided to grab. With a critical gaze at my watch I moved forwards to the woman's department. Finding the hair clips I was searching for turned out to be a lot more difficult than the cookies. Apart from the woman's department being absolutely huge, it was also stuffed with makeup counters, haircare products and masses of clothes. Finally, I found the jewelry area. From there on, it wasn't a real challenge to find the hair clips. To my surprise, there was only one pack of every design left. Without a lot of thinking, I grabbed all three. One were golden with stars, others were silver with snowmen and the third ones were black with reindeer heads. To be honest, at first I thought they were just gimmick but I atually realized they looked pretty cute. Amd I was sure they would look amazing in Isabelle's long glossy hair.  

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