December 12th

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Simon POV

I took Isabelles hand as we locked the door. It felt just so natural now. I could call her my girlfriend since the tenth of December. That was already more than a day. I smiled. "What are you smiling about?", she asked. "You. I just can't believe it.", I whispered. She smiled and gave me a slight kiss. "Come on, Lewis, otherwise the snow will melt without us walking through it at least once." I laughed:" With your hotness, I think the snow is better off without you." Isabelle burst out laughing:" Simon, this was really low." I grinned:" You are smiling. Goal accomplished." She laughed:" You are just too cute." I smiled and got going. Isabelle followed me. We started to walk through beautiful, snowy  New York. We planned to go to Central Park as it was really beautiful in winter. The snowflakes slowly fell from the sky like huge glitter flakes. The sun made them reflect in all the colors of the rainbow. It really was beautiful. "So, when are we going to tell Magnus and Alec.", Isabelle asked me. I shrugged. Actually, I was happy she asked. That meant I wasn't the only one who was desperate to tell the world. "Come on, you can't tell me you have no opinion on this topic." I shrugged again. As I saw the annoyed look on her face I quickly decided to come up with something. "I just thought maybe we could tell them at the Christmas party? I mean there we will actually see them in person and I think the vibes and the overall atmosphere will frame it pretty well." Isabelle smiled brightly:" That's such a beautiful idea!", she said. I smiled. Good save, Lewis, I thought. Some minutes later we reached central park. It was unbelievably beautiful. Everything was covered in a fluffy, thin layer of snow, there were some fairy lights which decorated at least some parts of central park. Like on every other day there were lots of tourists buzzing around and being all excited about spending Christmas in New York. I grinned. This time, probably for the first time ever I myself was excited about Christmas. And I actually wasn't sure why. It mainly was because of Isabelle but I discovered something enjoyable about Christmas. To be honest, I had no idea how it happened but there was a certain vibe to it that I really liked. Isabelle by my side cleared her throat and I looked over to her. Tiny snow flakes were on her lashes and on her scarf. I smiled and gave her a little kiss that she immediately returned. "So, uhm, are we a real couple now?", Isabelle asked me. I frowned. To be honest, I had absolutely no idea. It was common knowledge that Isabelle was definitely a lot more experienced in those things than I was. I bit my lips and looked at her insecurely:" I think so?", I said quietly. "Me too.", she whispered, "I just wanted to make it clear. It just feels so different from what I have experienced before." "In what way?", I asked sceptical. I only had one girlfriend so far and that was in eight grade so I wasn't sure if that even counted. "It feels better.", she smiled. I smiled too. Then she leant forwards and kissed me. Her lips were cold but mine felt almost numb from the snow. Still the kiss had something warming about it." "Awhhhhh.", some stranger passing by said. We whirled around but he was already gone. Then I looked into Izzy's eyes and we immediately burst out laughing. "Do you remember...?", she asked but couldn't finish her sentence because of all that laughter. I just nodded, holding my belly from laughing. I exactly knew what she wanted to say. "It's crazy!"; she sighed after calming down. I nodded:" It is. When the woman told us at the ice rink we both cringed ourselves to death and it was such an uncomfortable situation but now it's actually true." Isabelle smiled:" It is. It's as if our surroundings have better knowledge of our feelings than we do." I laughed:" I guess this is actually true. Usually I myself am so confused about what I feel that sometimes my friends know it even before I do." "Kind of creepy but also fun.", Isabelle said and continued walking. When I took her hand again she rewarded me with the most beautiful smile ever. And only that smile could not only make my face, but also my heart and my soul smile. "Excited for Christmas?", she asked. I bit my lip. That was the question I really didn't want to have to answer. I hated admitting when I was wrong and that was a bad characteristic of mine since I was a little child. "Come on Lewis, you have to say it. I know it's hard for you bullhead but you have to do it. For me.", Isabelle said cockily. I couldn't resist but grin:" Of course, for you I would totally say anything. Yes, I am excited for Christmas. But for what I am way more excited is us. And if you are next to me I would be excited even for a mud bath in south east Asia if that's what it takes to make you happy." Now it finally way Isabelle who was blushing. She must have noticed herself, and as she did she blushed even more. I chuckled. That actually was really cute. "Stop laughing!", she said, trying to cover her cheeks with her gloves and blushing even more. "You are so cute when you are ashamed.", I said. "That is so not nice! I hate it when I blush, I feel like I look like a strawberry. A pretty ugly strawberry with dark hair which kind of ruins the whole image." "That is sweet. You are sweet. Like a strawberry. That didn't make too much sense, did it?", I asked while scratching my forehead. Isabelle burst out laughing:" It really didn't. But I got the message. I love you too cutiepie."         

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