December 6th

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Isabelle POV

"There is still no snow yet.", I sighed. SImon laid right next to me. We decided to sleep in the same bed because it would kind of be unnecesarry to make Simon arrange himself onto the sofa because there was plenty of extra space in my bed anyways. " True. Hopefully it will snow soon.", Simon replied and got up. As we met downstairs I could already smell he made cinnamon hot chocolate- as usual. Since he tasted it for the first time he couldn't stop drinking it. "Hey. Thank you.", I said and hugged him. It was nice having someone around, especially a Christmas. Afterwards we put some toast into the toaster and prepared ourselves some breakfast. As we sat down I got a notepad and the pen that was in Simons advent calendar yesterday. "WHat do you want to note down?", he asked chewing his toast. I smiled:" It's tme to make a Chrsitmas bucket list with all the things we want to do in december." Simon shrugged:" Okay, as you are the pro on this topic, I guess you should start." I rolled my eyes and smiled. When I lent forwards to write some of my ideas onto the piece of paper one of my black curls fell into my vision. Simon took it and gently stroke it behind my ear. His fingers touching my face left a burning trace on my face. Smiling I looked up to him. I felt little butterflies in my stomach. After a little, awkward pause filled with eye contact I got back to the topic:" So, baking Christmas cookies is a classic one, so is sledging. And we will have to get a Chrsitmas tree and do a serious presents crafting sessions." Simon smiled:" Sounds nice. Maybe we could also go ice skating or go to the cristmas fair." I smiled- those ideas were definite must-dos in the time before Christmas. Then I suddenly had an idea:" What if we go ice skating today?" "Okay, sure!", Simon replied smiling. I grinned as I imagined it to be great fun. I just wanted to get upstairs to get dressed as I got held back by Simon:" Hey, we didn't open our advent calendars yet." I smiled- he was really getting into that Christmas spirit, I could feel that. "I didn't expect you to remember it.", I said. "Always expect the unexpected.", SImon said with a grin. "I should print you that on a tee shirt.", I laughed. "I actually have that one on a shirt.", he replied. I burst out laughing:" That's so iconic." Laughing, we got to our advent calendars. Simon wrapped every present into holographic purple wrapping paper and sticked some stickers on them, saying which day this present was for. With excitement I grabbed the little package saying 6 on it. As I opened it I dropped my jaw- he bought me a lipstick from one of my favorite brands. It was a matte, Christmas red lipstick. "Oh my god, thank you so much! How did you know that?", I asked and pulled him into a hug. "Well, I saw you use a lipstick in the same packaging quite often so I thought they must be good." "They are.", I admitted laughing. He smiled too. Then he opened his present- I decided to gift him the cool bookmarks bookmarks on day six. "Ten percent charming, one hundret percent nerd", Simon read out and laughed," The slogans on these bookmarks are actually iconic." I laughed:" I know, right? I immediately had to get them when I saw them." Simon grinned. Then we finally go upstairs to dress. I wore my 'Merry Xmas' pullover and put on the lipstick Simon just gifted me. "You look fabulous.", Simon said as I was finished. "You too.", I chuckled and we got going. As we arrived we asked to borrow two pairs of ice skates. "Here you go.", the lady said with a bright smile. I put on mine and luckily they fit immediately. Some minutes later we were finally ready to start skating. "It has been ages since I have skated for the last time.", I admitted. As it it was the most natural thing to do, Simon took my hands and started by slowly pulling me through the arena while driving backwards. Slowly but definitely I was finding my balance and it got easier and easier. The longer I continued being pulled the safer I felt. "Do you want to try it out on your own?", Simon asked. I shrugged:" Give me one hand and I will try on my own. If I fail you will have to catch me though." Simon grinned:" Never in a million years would I allow myself to let you fall." I laughed and slowly started to skate. At first I really took baby steps but with Simon's help I felt more and more confident in myslef. Suddenly he drew his hand away from me and I skated on my own! "Don't you dare doing that again!", I laughed while still being proud of myself. "But you see, it worked!", SImon cheered. "It did. You are a good teaher.", I had to admit. "And you are a good student.", he said, running his hand through his hair. He looked really cute while blushing, I realized. "Okay, one more round!", Simon commanded and started skating immediately. I was struggling with following him but I did surprisingly well and didn't fall even once. "I am really proud of you.", Simon laid and hugged me. Immediately, my heart begun to warm too. "Thank you.", I said and smiled brightly. "Awhhhh.", I random woman sliding past us sighed and we started smiling. "They must really think we are dating, huh?", Simon laughed. I nodded:" I guess they do." THe more I thought about it though, I realized that dating Simon wasn't absurd. In fact, I would actually very much like it. I grinned- expect the unexpected, i thought. How fitting.     

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