December 4th

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Curious what happened at December 3rd? Check out the part published yesterday, you can find at my friends page, it's magnuswayland uwuuuuuu


Simon POV

I had to admit, shopping with Isabelle yesterday actually was fun and I felt like I could finally feel some of the excitement she felt thinking about Christmas. As she proposed to get to the shopping center again and buy some matching decorations for her apartment I wasn't pissed or anything. In fact, I was rather looking forward to it. As we entered the store, Isabelles eyes began to gleam and she started to smile the purest and happiest and just the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. Seeing her that happy was already enough of a reward to me. I didn't know where it came from and why it happened, but seeing her happy made me happy too. Just seeing her made me happy. I smiled delightfully, seeing Isabelle wandering through the store with wide childish eyes as if she has never seen something that beautiful. I used to think of these decoration stores as overfilled and just unnecessary and it would be an exaggeration saying that I understood how people could get so excited about it, but I had to admit it looked quite nice- all the fairy lights muffled the store in a relaxing, warm light and projected fun reflections at the walls. There were all sorts of Christmas toys, a million stuffed Santa Clauses in all different sizes. There were tons of candles, scented ones, colored ones, regular ones. The air smelled like cinnamon and I felt as if I could taste biscoff cookies. There were red, fluffy hats lying around everywhere, sleighs and reindeers for children, Lametta glittering and baubles in all shapes, sizes and colors. The store was stuffed, people were running around, deciding with what to decorate their houses and gardens. And in the center of this madhouse, me and Isabelle. I let Isabelle pick what to get so I was just entirely busy with chasing her through the store and holding all the stuff she got. Some of the fellow customers looked at me, being extremely amused by my behavior. It indeed must have looked pretty funny. Later, we finally got back to the car. At home she proudly presented me her prey- some golden Lametta, one Santa Clause out of porcelain and a matching reindeer and at least a dozen of white, red, beige and gold baubles shaped either like regular balls or stars. She also got plenty of other stuff like mistletoes and Christmas themed wrapping paper. "Just in case.", she said. Then she put on some classic Christmas music. "Rudolph the red nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose.", Isabelle sand while wrapping the backs of the kitchen chairs with thin stipes of Lametta. "And if you ever saw it you would even say it glows.", I finished, arranging the porcelain Santa on the commode in the entry. "You know the lyric?", Isabelle asked in surprise. I nodded, smiling:" I may not be a huge fan of Christmas but even I have a childhood and singing Christmas songs in December is a classic from kindergarden until middle school." Isabelle laughed:" That's also true. I couldn't imagine a Christmas without Christmas songs." "I very well could. When everyone is in Christmas mood I am still listening to my Halloween playlist.", I replied. Isabelle rolled her eyes:" Not everyone is as coldhearted as you are. You know, some people actually enjoy having other people around them and celebrate a holiday that stands for family and love and kindness." Simon chuckled:" No, but honestly, what's so cool about it? What do you love about Christmas?" Isabelle let herself fall onto the sofa in the living room, already indicating this would be a long talk:" The real question is, why do you not love Christmas? I see nothing negative." I accompanied her on the sofa:" Well, everyone is buzzing around, the roads and stores are full, you hear the same songs over and over, every year. You are stressed because you have to find the perfect Christmas present for everyone and don't you dare forgetting some guy that you had one course with in college." Isabelle smiled delightfully:" You just see the negative in things, Simon. Yes, it is crowded but people are actually leaving their houses, the city is alive. People are going out, experience the magic of Christmas, thinking about the ones they love. Isn't that a beautiful concept? You actually leave your house, share your excitement with everyone, think about the people you love by finding a nice gift for them. It's bonding. Tons of people all around the globe celebrate the same festivity. Even non-religious people do it- it's a nice opportunity to appreciate your beloved ones." I bit my lip- that actually did sound very convincing. "Maybe you are right. For some people this might be true. But for me it's not.", I said. Not yet, I added in my head. Then we kept on decorating- we put Lametta everywhere, decorated our rooms with mistletoes and paper snowflakes. Isabelle got plenty of candles and we placed a cinnamon candle onto a mistletoe and decorated that with some baubles. This we did in the living room, the bathroom and the bedroom. They made Isabelles apartment smell like cinnamon of which I first thought as annoying but after approximately an hour I started to enjoy it. "I think we are done so far!", Isabelle proclaimed after almost three hours of decorating. I was surprised that Isabelle was actually happy with how it looked- she was very picky throughout the process. I myself was really satisfied with the overall result- the apartment really looked a lot more cozy and Christmas- themed. " I would say we did a pretty good job, didn't we?", I commented. Isabelle threw herself into my arms. In surprise I took a step back:" Hey, where did that just some from?", I startled. " from the bottom of my heart.", Isabelle laughed, "I am just so happy with how it all looks." Simon smiled- it was so worth it.   

Christmas battle- Sizzy's POVWhere stories live. Discover now