December 14th

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Isabelle POV

I woke up because of a loud snooze right next to me. When I rubbed my eyes and finally adapted to the light I could see Simon, looking at me with those puppy eyes of his. "I am sorry.", he said and it was obvious how ashamed he was, "But your hair has been tickling my nose all night long and I couldn't help myself anymore." I chuckled:" I'm sorry. Did I disturb your sleep?" He grinned:" Yes. I laid awake all night being curious how such a beautiful woman managed to fall in love with me." I smiled- Simon was always so cute towards me. To be honest, it sometimes even felt a little too much- but when was it too much compliments? I didn't mind waking up to a beautiful phrase like this every day until the rest of my life. To be honest, I wouldn't mind waking up next to Simon for the rest of my life either, even without the cute phrase. "I love you.", I sighed and blew a kiss onto his cheek. He smiled delighted. "This is the best December I have ever had.", I sighed. "Same for me.", Simon answered, "Although that isn't a surprise." I grinned:" It really is not." "Do you want to go to the shower first?", Simon asked after a little pause. I shook my head:" You can go first. I will need some time." Simon made his way out of bed and got to the bathroom. I grinned as I saw he was wearing the Christmas boxershorts I put in his advent calendar yesterday. When I laid back I quickly checked my Instagram and replied to some messages. "Bathroom's free!", I heard Simon scream. I grabbed my robe and decided to take a shower as well. As I entered the bathroom I could smell Simon's deodorant, also from the advent calendar. And his aftershave. I knew there was also an aftershave in the advent calendar, but I haven't given it to him yet, so Simon still smelled like Simon. Lemongrass and Vanilla. Shortly afterwards I caught myself applying some of the aftershave as perfume. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to smell like your boyfriend."; I told myself when I jumped into the shower. It was really warm in the cabin as the fumes from Simon's shower haven't vanished yet. After refreshing myself I threw on my outfit for today- jeans, pullover and a sparkly jacket on top. "You look fabulous.", Simon said as I arrived downstairs. He prepared croissant and cinnamon hot chocolate. "Hey, so tonight I had an idea- do you own a sleigh?" I scratched my forehead:" I don't think so...", I sighed. Simon bit his lip. Only a few seconds later his face lit up again. "Hey, I know a place where you can lend sleighs- as long as there still is enough snow, don't you think we should take the chance and go sleighing?" I thought about it a little but as I realized this was a Christmas activity by Simon I immediately agreed. "It's settled then.", he said with a wide smile on his face. I smiled too and pressed my lips on his. "It's settled.", I whispered through my teeth. For him, I would endure no matter what cold. For him I would do anything. Seeing him happy was enough of a reward to me. "So, when should we go?", he asked. "What about now?", I grinned. His face lit up even more. "Okay, let's go." We put on our boots, threw on our coats and I grabbed my car keys. Meanwhile he googled the address of the place he wanted to lend the sleighs at. Luckily, my car was in the garage so it wasn't too cold in it. The streets were snowy and everything looked magical. My eyes began to sparkle. How much I loved this time of the year. More than anything. Ten minutes later we arrived at the service. "Stay in the car, I'll lend the sleighs.", Simon said and I nodded thankfully. I really was glad I didn't have to get out there just yet. I could watch the snowflakes get lost in Simon's curls. I smiled and leant back. The radio was playing my favorite Christmas songs and I was singing along. It was so much fun I didn't realize Simon was back already. "So, they had only one sleigh left but I guess that's not too much of a problem? We could take turns?", he asked. I chuckled:" Or just ride it together." Simon laughed:" Or that, right." Another ten minutes later we arrived at the sleighing hill. It was quite busy there, as expected. "Could've been busier.", Simon said and I nodded. As we parked the car we started marching up the hill where the crowd was standing. The snow was slippery under my feet and Simon looked as if he was about to trip. A few struggles later we actually arrived at the top of the hill. The longer I stared down, the more I realized how big it actually was. "Scared?", Simon asked with a grin. "The only thing that scares me is the amount of kids over here.", I laughed, although that was only partly true. Simon looked around. "We'll take care.", he said and placed the sleigh on a piece of even ground. A perfect position to start a ride. "Join me, will you?", he asked with a laugh. Quickly I sat down behind him on the sleigh and hugged him from the back. "Let the ride begin.", he proclaimed, "Are you ready?" I shook my head:" I am not." Perfect. Let's go, then.", Simon laughed and took his feet from the ground. Slowly, but steadily we got faster and faster. The snow was completely surrounding us and I could feel that we were extremely fast. After some seconds of fear I started to enjoy it. "Wohoooo!"; I cheered as we made our way down the hill. "I heard someone was having fun.", Simon said as we stopped at the bottom of the hill. "I did.", I laughed, "And guess what- I want to do it again."  

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