December 22nd

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So, this is the last Sizzy only chapter on this story, so enjoy it and leave your opinion in the comments! Me and magnuswayland planned something amazing for Christmas! Be prepared and of course check the malec part on her account out!

Isabelle POV

Today was quite an amazing day for me. It was only two days u til Christmas and I couldn't wait to see Simon's reaction to his gift. I got him a collection of comics that I knew he wanted to have but didn't manage to get because they were sold out. Luckily, a friend of mines' boyfriend worked in a pretty exclusive bookshop and managed to get his hands on the comics before they were displayed in the store. It was also him I talked to when I didn't have an idea what to gift to Simon. And for today I planned to do something creative with Simon. He was still upstairs which gave me just enough time to prepare everything. "Hey, what are you doing?", He asked, coming down the stairs. Well, maybe not enough time, I said to myself. "So, I've been thinking," , I replied instead, "December has really been special for the both of us and I thought it might be cool to somehow save the moments we we would never forget them. Yesterday, I went shopping and got us a photo album, stickers and printed out quite a lot of pictures. Simon smiled:" That's a beautiful idea." I frowned:" But you hate crafting, I thought?" Simon just laughed and joined ne in the living room floor. "Yes, I do hate crafting but I think that making a photo album and remember all the stuff we did in December will be quite a fun trip down memory lane." I smiled and rewarded him with a little kiss. "Okay, let's go then.", I said and showed him what I got. "The day it all started.", Simon laughed as he grabbed the first picture. I remembered how we asked some random passenger to take a picture of us. The photo showed me and Simon angrily staring at Magnus and Alec as if we were the worst enemies. 'let the battle begin", I wrote underneath it as Simon sticked it into the photo book. For December second we both sticked our shopping bills for the advent calendars into the book. #razorblades Simon added with a laugh. December third was a picture of our cups with cinnamon hot chocolate. 'Best drink in planet earth.', Simon sighed and I added a 'tasty!' sticker onto the page. For December forth we placed pictures of our decorations on the stairs and the entry. December 6th was a selfie of us while ice skating. "This has been so much fun!", Simon laughed. I nodded. This was the day I realized I liked Simon a little more than just a little. "Remember how everyone thought we were a couple?", Simon remembered and I nodded. "It's crazy. Four days later we were actually one." With a smile Simon pulled out the picture for December 8th. "Do you remember how we tried to bake cookies?" I laughed. The picture showed Simon and me, covered in flour and making funny faces. "It took us eternities to clean the kitchen.", Simon sighed as he placed the picture into the album. I nodded. "I still sometimes find flour on the floor." With a wide smile I pulled out quite plenty of photos out of the envelope. Next in our Book was December 10th. The day me and Simon had our first kiss. At first, there was a picture of the snow. "We held hands there for the first time.",Simon sighed delightfully. "And it felt so good.", I added. Simon smiled:" That's exactly what I thought too." The next picture was showing the Christmas fair. Picture number three was a selfie of Simon and me on the Ferris wheel, smiling brightly into the camera, cheeks pink from the cold. "Did you already plan on kissing me there?", I asked Simon. He shrugged:" I don't really know. I guess I was thinking about it." I smiled and sticked the last picture of that day into the book. It showed me and Simon walking back home, my cheeks flushed and his lips slightly stained by my lipstick. "This was one of the happiest moments in my life.", I sighed and turned the page. "Couldn't agree more.", Simom said and Placed the picture of our gloved hands in one another onto the center of the page. "We made that when we had our walk through the snow, right?", I asked and Simon nodded. For December 14th we sticked a picture of me, pulling the sleigh up the hill through the deep snow. Remember how scared you were?", Simon asked me and I couldn't help but laugh. "I even more remember how much fun it was in the end!", I dodged. "It really was!", Simon said and put the picture of us on one sleigh right underneath the first one. Quickly, I added some more stickers and decorated the page with a little glitter. "Let's leave the page for December 16th blanc so we can stick in the wrapping paper of our presents after we receive them on 24th.", Simon suggested. I nodded:" That sound amazing!" There were only two pages left which we could decorate today. For the eighteenth of December we went for a picture of our beautiful Christmas tree which me and Simon definitely were proud of. "Okay last but not least!", Simon exclaimed and grabbed the last two pictures. One of them showed my huge Disney movie collection and the second one was a selfie Simon made. I only found this picture when I wanted to print all the pictures out and I really liked it. Simon was smiling brightly into the camera and I placed my head on his chest while he had his arm around me. Somehow, I didn't notice that he was taking a picture. "This is probably one of my favourite pictures of us.", Simon sighed and I nodded. It really was beautiful.

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