December 10th

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Isabelle POV

It was already 6 p.m. in the evening and Simon and I finally decided to go to the Christmas fair. He was already good to go but I still had to finish getting ready. Again I applied the lipstick Simon gifted me- I was really enjoying it. I wore black skinny jeans and a beige knit sweater. "Are you ready?", I heard his voice from the kitchen. "I'll be right there!", I said and quickly grabbed my black little purse. "You look stunning.", Simon said, smiling at me. I smiled:" Thank you." Since the day we went ice skating I couldn't stop thinking about Simon. His eyes, his lips, his laugh, his smile, his hair, everything... Everything about him seemed so perfectly imperfect, so human but also so divine. I have never felt attracted to Simon before, but to be honest I have never really paid so much attention to him. "Okay, let's go then.", he said and we left the apartment. It was cold outside and I wore gloves. The weather was beautiful- it was cold and dark outside, still all the lights were on and you could see the stars. As I moved a little to the left, our fingers touched. I felt his skin tickling mine even through my gloves. And that little touch felt so right. Slowly I moved a little closer and took his hand. And he took mine. We were holding hands. I looked at him, and he looked at me. And our smiles said more than a thousand words. Quietly and holding hands, we walked to the Christmas fair. It was pretty busy but not too full, still there were enough people there to create this beautiful atmosphere. "Do you want some wassail?", he asked and I nodded thankfully. I underestimated the cold and I was looking forward to drinking something warm. "Two cups of wassail, please.", Simon ordered. I meanwhile stayed at one of the little tables to ensure we had a place to enjoy our wassail at. Some minutes later Simon arrived of two steaming, huge cups filled with super hot wassail. "Here you go.", he said. I smiled and took one of the cups into both of my hands. It was warm, but nothing warmed my soul more than seeing Simon. My heartbeat doubled as he laughed over a joke of mine and I couldn't stop laughing when he burnt his tongue because of his silliness. After we had our wassail I stood up and Simon took my hand as if it was the most natural thing to do. And it felt as if it was, honestly. Afterwards we got some burnt almonds and got onto the Ferris wheel. The view was beautiful. The air tasted like gingerbread and you could smell the cinnamon. There were lots of people on the streets, making their ways home after work or enjoying themselves on the Christmas fair. New York was living and I could feel the busy and cozy Christmas vibe. Simon sat right next to me and had his arm laid around me. And as we got out of the Ferris wheel he didn't take his arm away from me. His body warmth warmed my heart, his smile lit my soul. Then we stood face to face and I could watch his beautiful nougat eyes get closer and closer. It felt magical. There was a certain tension in the air, it felt magnetic and a fierce, undescribable power pulled me closer and closer to him. I felt his hand on my ear, wrapping my head in it, his other hand stroke my hips. Magically, my hand touched his face, his soft cheeks and his beautiful chin. And I pulled magnifying face of him closer to mine until I could feel this warm breath tickling on my cold skin. Slowly, I pressed my lips on his. It was just a little touch but that was already enough to understand that this was what I wanted. This was all I wanted. I wanted his lips on mine, his hands on my hips. I wanted him close to me, as close as possible. I wanted our bodies to melt into one, I wanted to be part of him as much as he was part of me now. I gifted him my heart as if it was lying on my lips all the time. But I knew I wanted nothing else. The kissing got a little more intense and the little touch turned into a real kiss. He pressed his lips against mine and pulled me as close as he could, as if he never was going to let me go. And that was what I wanted. I wanted him to hold be forever. I have never thought it would be Simon Lewis I would give my heart to. And I have kissed before, but this felt like the very first time. This felt new and fresh. Not a single kiss I had before felt like this did. And I didn't even know the human body was capable of such emotions. It was nothing like the things I have experienced before. And intentionally, I knew what tose feelings meant. Love. Simon was my first true love. Suddenly something cold touched my nose and it must have touched Simons too as we both opened our eyes and I almost drowned in his eyes. We looked up and to our surprise we weren't hit by a raindrop, no. It was snowing. White, huge, fluffy snowflakes were falling from the sky, slowly but steadily covering New York with it's beauty. The people around us looked up as well. The first December snow. I felt as if I would explode of happiness- Christmas was almost there. And it was going to be the best one I have ever had because I would celebrate it with Simon. "This must be the magic of Christmas.", Simon whispered. "It is.", I replied and took Simons hand to the place it belonged- into mine.     

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