December 20th

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Hello hello everyone- happy December 20th! As Christmas is approaching this story is slowly coming to its end. Check out magnuswayland to find out what happened yesterday in Team Malec!

Simon POV

It was pretty late in the evening and all Isabelle and I did today was just lying around in bed, texting with friends and revising some stuff for college. I really hated that about holidays. You thought you would finally have some time off your duties but apparently, you still had to study quite a lot and prepare for your courses. It was really getting on my nerves. Suddenly, Isabelle knocked at the door frame. She was studying in her room while I used the kitchen counter. As I whirled around I noticed she wore nothing but her Pyjama and her hair was somehow twisted into a messy bun. "Hey? You, uhm, you look fabulous.", I stuttered, instantly blushing. Isabelle laughed:" Well, I highly doubt that but let's just ignore it. How is studying going?" I shook my head:" Not well, to be honest. I am just so fucking annoyed of all of it. It's holidays!" Isabelle shrugged:" I feel you. It's only four days until Christmas and we are here, doing stuff for College. That's really not the mood I want to be in right now." With a sigh I scuffled towards the coffee machine and prepared my third cup of coffee for this day. "You want some?", I asked, charming as always. Isabelle quickly smiled:" Yeah. I guess this is the only motivation I can get right now." Isabelle braced herself on the kitchen counter and took a curious look at the watch. "In some random studying blog I read that you should set yourself time limits and specific goals. What if we keep on studying for one more hour and then make us a nice movie night with Snacks, drinks and gigantic wool socks?" I smiled weakly:" Sounds nice. I'm all down to it." "Okay, let's do this, then.", Isabelle said and snatched her coffee out of my hand. Majestic as always she got up the stairs and I dropped myself onto my chair again. I was really annoyed. At least, now I had a specific goal- one more hour. Somehow, I managed to clench my teeth and get my shit together for one more hour. The time flew by surprisingly quickly so I didn't even notice Isabelle stumbling down the stairs to proclaim the end of the college part of the day. "It's fun time!", she screamed and dropped herself onto the sofa. I got up from my chair, gathered some sweets and joined her. Immediately, she cuddled against my chest and I laid my arm around her. Without me noticing, I automatically started playing with her black, thick, glossy curls that tingles their way into my palm. "What should we watch?", Isabelle asked and I just shrugged. To be honest, I had no idea which Christmas movies you would normally watch. "No opinion, as always?", Isabelle asked mocking me. I laughed:" Good guess, babe." That was the first time I actually called her that. She smiled:" Are we leveling up?" I shrugged because I really had no idea what to reply. "Okay honey, teddy bear, sugar plum, baby, darling, love of my life and father of my future children." Me and Isabelle burst out laughing. "Wow, I think now there's no way back, Isabelle Lightwood." After some more seconds we stopped laughing and calmed down. "Disney's version of the nutcracker?", Isabelle suggested and I nodded. "Do you have that one?" Isabelle looked at me reproachfully. "You are heavily underestimating me, Simon Lewis." She stood up and got to the cupboard out of which she pulled three giant boxes all labeled as Disney movies on DVD. My jaw dropped. "You don't collect them, do you?" She laughed:" No chance, Simon. I don't collect them. I own them. All of them. Every movie that has ever been released by Disney and was somehow available on DVD is in one of these boxes. And now I wish us very much fun searching for the one movie we actually want to see. Let the search begin." With a sigh, I crawled towards her. Somehow I imagined our movie night to be a little less exhausting. But, I was wrong. "I feel like a gave digger. Some of these movies are way too old to just be thrown in here." Isabelle laughed:" They used to be organized by release date but one day I was fed up and just decided that I would have to search pretty long anyways." I shrugged as I finally found the DVD we were searching for. Quickly, Isabelle switched the TV on and connected it with the DVD player. Ignoring the Disney movie graveyard all over the living room floor we sprawled ourselves back onto the sofa and immediately started eating the snacks. When I saw the familiar Disney logo light up something inside of me started to tickle. I remembered my sister Rebeca being crazy obsessed with Disney. And somehow, she had all rights to be. The more I saw of the movie, the more I realized how great it actually was. When I looked at Isabelle I instantly saw those glittering, huge, childish eyes of her that I fell in love with the first day I saw then when driving to the shopping center to get advent calendars. I blew a little kiss on her forehead and she sighed in delight. Isabelle was quite a special woman, I noticed again. She can be protective, badass and powerful like a lioness but also fragile like a thin piece of glass. She can be charming and wise as if she has swallowed every poem in this world, and she could just act innocent and clueless as if never anything has ever happened to her. And I knew for sure that there were so many more faced of Isabelle to discover. "I'm full of surprises- you never know what you get tomorrow.", she said some days ago and somehow, this phrase got stuck in Simon's head. Because it was true. Life would never be boring with Isabelle, because every day, there would be a different Isabelle.    

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