December 2nd

208 13 4

Izzy POV

"Simon, feel like home.", I said. "Uhm, thanks I guess.", Simon replied. "Don't you feel like this Christmas battle is an amazing idea?", I asked. Simon just shrugged:" I don't know, to be  honest. I don't really enjoy Christmas." I sighed and rolled my eyes:" You remind me of Alec. Not in a good way." Simon just laughed:" Come on! I don't get what's so fabulous about it. And neither does he." "Well, it's time to change that. We need advent calendars. Let's get some.", I said and grabbed my bag. "What, now? " I nodded and took Simons hand to pull him out of the apartment. He looked really annoyed but I couldn't care less- this was about winning! I pushed Simon into my car and we got going. "I feel as if I am being kidnapped.", Simon laughed and I just rolled my eyes. "You are unbelieve, Lewis. It's time to get excited for Christmas!" Simon sighed and laid back- he really didn't like Christmas. "Come on! Don't you want to win this thing?", I tried to motivate him but already judging by his face I could tell he wasn't even half as excited as I was. So, I put on 'Last Christmas' and noticed with a certain amount of satisfaction that Simon looked even more annoyed. If he wasn't going to enjoy Christmas by himself I would force it onto him. Some minutes later they arrived at a huge Walmart. "Shopping challenge- who finds everything they need for the advent calendar first wins a hot chocolate with cinnamon.", I said. Just as I wanted to start running Simon held me back by my arm. "Wait!", he exclaimed, "What do you mean by 'everything for the calendar'? Can't we just get a pre-done one?" I shook my head:" No! You have to think about twenty-four little presents for me and how you are going to package them and same the other way around." Simon rolled his eyes but started to smile:" Challenge accepted. I'll make you the best calendar." I grinned:" I bet mine will be better." "You are so wrong you can't even imagine.", he laughed. "Then prove it. Surprise me.", I said and started running. I already had a good feeling because I was almost sure Simon would really try his best to convince me. I knew the competition was slightly unfair because I already had some things to gift him in mind. But I just justified it with the fact that it was harder to find presents for men, especially little ones. I immediately ran to the hygiene department and grabbed razor blades. This was literally the most useful thing ever. Then I also got a razor, a deodorant called 'winter-wonderland' that smelled really good. I packed a small cologne and the matching aftershave. Then I hurried on to the food department and got a chocolate bar, a pack of cookies, a pack of cinnamon-tea and a cup with a reindeer printed on it. When I walked through the book department I found some nerdy bookmarks and pen with Santa sitting on top of it. In the clothing department I found some socks with candy canes printed all over them.  Like that I carried on and found tons of things. For the packaging I decided to get brown little pouches. I was almost certain that I had a way better calendar than Simon but someone inside me told be I shouldn't underestimate his creativity. When I finished my shopping I paid and darted towards my car. As I turned around I saw Simon chasing right after me. "Catch me if you can!", I screamed and kept on running. But Simon was fast. Very fast to be precise. Like that we arrived at the ca at the exact same time. "I guess that means cinnamon hot chocolate for both of us.", I laughed, breathing heavily. Simon's face was dark red and his breath was also very fast. He just nodded. "Hey, you okay?", I laughed. "Yeah. I need air.", he replied, "That was quite a run. I have no idea when I worked out for the last time." I laughed and threw myself into my car. Sadly we got stuck in a jam on our way back. "I hate new York traffic.", he said. I nodded:" That's literally the worst part of it. I love that it's so crowded but the traffic is really getting on my nerves from time to time." He nodded. As I looked around I noticed it was pretty dark outside already and all the trees had no leaves. There hasn't been any snow yet but I still hoped for a white Christmas. "Hey, what are you thinking about?", Simon asked. "I am hoping for a white Christmas. I really like snow." Simon grinned:" Me too. There's so much fun stuff you can do with it." I smiled and looked into his brown eyes. I always thought of medium brown eyes as boring, but his were different. They looked like melted chocolate and there were yellowish sprinkles in them. They were really pretty, actually. "You are staring- what's wrong?", he asked. I laughed and drew my attention away from his face and concentrated on the traffic again. "Nothing.", I replied. He just shrugged and we made the rest of the way silently. I was really happy when I finally got into my apartment- it was cozily warm and I immediately put on fluffy socks. I got some of those for Simon as well. For me, those were a winter must-have. Then we made our way to the kitchen. I got Simon and myself a cup and we warmed some milk and poured the chocolate in it. "That smells delicious.", Simon said. "And it will be even better.", I said and put a little cinnamon in the cups to add some Christmas vibes. Simon couldn't resist but immediately try some. "Wow. This is Lewis-approved.", he said and seemed truly surprised. "I told you it's good.", I said with a grin. Then I mentally crossed 'Advent calendar shopping' and 'cinnamon hot chocolate' from my Christmas must-haves list.     

Christmas battle- Sizzy's POVWhere stories live. Discover now