December 18th

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Don't forget to check on yesterday's part! Go to magnuswayland to get Malec POV!

Isabelle POV

"I'm not really getting the vibes, do you?", I asked, lingering around on the sofa. Simon was searching his glasses in the kitchen. "Uhm, I am fine.", he mumbled, rumoring in the tupperware drawer. I laughed:" I am talking about the Christmas vibes. Yes, we have some decoration in our apartment but I think we are really missing a Christmas tree. It's kind of a must-have." "Yesss!", Simon exclaimed in relief. I was doubting it was the christmas tree he was so excited about and as I turned around I realized I was absolutely right. "How did they get into the pan-drawer though?", he asked, rinsing his glasses. I rolled my eyes. "Simon, what are your thoughts on a christmas tree?" "A christmas tree? Why not? I mean we would have to pick one up today probably, but if thats fine with you I am down to it." "Okay, let's go then."

Half an hour later we arrived at the plantage. It was surprisingly crowded but nevertheless, it didn't feel rushed or in any way uncomfortable. To be honest, it was exactly the other way round- there were fairy lights all over the Christmas trees in the entrance and I saw people sipping hot chocolate or mulled wine. I felt my cheeks flushing from the piercing cold. "I haven't thought of this place as something as cozy.", Simon chuckled. I nodded:" Me neither. I have actually never been here." Simon frowned:" Where did you get your Christmas tree from, then?" I scratched my forehead:" To be honest, I don't remember the name of the place but I know it was on some sort of private farm of our parents friends. It was kind of complicated and we most often got it delivered by those friends. So this kind of is my first time picking out a Christmas tree." Simon looked surprised:" Really? You as a christmas-addict? I didn't see that coming." I chuckled and wrapped one of my glossy curls around my finger as I always did when I felt somehow uncomfortable. "So, I am as excited as you are, I guess? Or have you done something like this before?" Simon shrugged:" I don't really remember. probably, once in my early childhood but nothing I really can remember." I smiled and took his gloved hand into mine. He smiled at me cheerfully and gave me a slight kiss on my cheek. His lips were crusty and covered in little cracks but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get him to use lipbalm. And now, it seemed as if it's a part of him. I didn't even care if his lips were smooth and soft, actually, Simon with soft lips wouldn't be Simon. Stubborn, independant Simon who would rather his lips bleeding than using a lipbalm. I chuckled and luckily, Simon didn't notice. "Hello, how can I help you?", A guy that seemed to work at the Christmas tree place asked firmly. "Hey! Uhm we are searching a Christmas tree.", Simon stuttered. He really wasn't an extrovert. The guy just laughed: "Uhm, that's kind of why all people come here." By the look on Simon's face I could tell how he started to realize that what he just said was pretty much the opposite of helpful. I couldn't help but chuckle. Simon was so cute when he was confused. "Okay, so let's try one more time- A little preciser.", I tried to save the situation."I guess that could be helpful.", The assistant laughed and I saw Simon blush. How uncomfortable that must be for him right now- I could only imagine. "So, we are searching for a not too big tree- it shouldn't be taller than my boyfriend and not too wide as we don't have too much space in our apartment." The word boyfriend left a tickling and sweet sensation on my tongue. It somehow felt very new but just completely right. As if she has always called him that. "Okay, I can work with that.", The guy grinned and led them through the plantation. Looking around, I saw big and small Christmas trees, wide ones and very slim ones, crooked ones and Christmas trees which just looked as if they just escaped a fairytale. It really was a totally different atmosphere and you could barely believe that you still were in New York. "It really is wonderful here, isn't it?", The assistant stated. "It really is. It must be magnificent to work here!", Simon exclaimed. The guy laughed:" Yeah, I'm a student so as a little job it's actually quite nice. Sometimes, it can get pretty freezing, though." Simon laughed:" I can only imagine. My hands are going numb already." He laughed:" When you work here, you should get used to that. So, those are the trees that would fit your description- we call them teenie-trees. Beautiful, quite impressing but not gigantic or anything." I laughed- that was a good description. "This one is beautiful, what do you think?", Simon asked and pointed at a middle high tree with quite long branches. I laughed:" This one looks good. But maybe I would choose the one standing behind it- it's a little taller." Simon shrugged:" I can't notice any difference but if you for whatever reason prefer the other one I would be just happy to take that one." I smiled and gave him a little kiss. "It's this one, then?", The assistant asked, approaching the tree Isabelle chose. Simon nodded:" Yes, please." A little later the tree was all wrapped pushed into Simon's car. "I think this is literally the largest tree I could possibly for into my car. Imagine getting a larger one, then we would really have a problem right now." I smiled:" We would, but I think the baby we just chose is just wonderful. I can't wait to unwrap and decorate it. I am sure it will look absolutely amazing!" "I am sure it will", Simon stated and started the engine.

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