December 24th

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The doorbell rang and Alec saw Magnus storming towards the door. "I'll open it.", he said. Alec just nodded and got the turkey out of the oven. He pulled off his gloves and joined Magnus. "Hello big bro!", Izzy exclaimed and pulled Alec into a hug. "Hey!", Simon said and greeted Magnus. "Wow, your apartment looks amazing!", Isabelle said. "Better than yours?", Magnus asked. "I doubt that.", Simon chuckled and got rid of his shoes. "Is the turkey ready yet ?", Magnus asked. "Yeah but it's probably still too hot to be eaten. Maybe we should take a look at the house first." "Yes!", Isabelle replied, "So how's the plan?" "Let's just look at the house and have dinner later.", Alec suggested. With a shrug, Isabelle and Simon followed Magnus and Alec into the living room where they saw the gigantic Christmas tree which was beautifully decorated. "So, that's our Christmas area."; Magnus said. Simon walked around the room with wide eyes: Everything seemed to be sparkling. "This is beautiful!"; Isabelle said. "I know it is.", Magnus said, laughing. "I think now we should have dinner, the turkey must have cooled down a little by now. ", Alec said and guided everyone else to the dining room. The turkey smelled delicious and it tasted even better. "That was amazing, I am absolutely full.", Simon said and burped. Magnus smiled and blew a little kiss in Alec's direction. Isabelle shot a questioning gaze first at Alec and then at Simon who just shrugged and didn't seem to care. "Okay, let's get going."; Alec said and grabbed his phone. Twenty minutes later they all arrived at Isabelle's house. "Now show us what you got!", Magnus said competitively. "It will knock you out of your socks."; Isabelle stated proudly. And she was not necessarily wrong. "Sis, that looks perfect!", Alec exclaimed. Simon laughed:" Did you expect worse?" "I didn't expect anything.", Magnus replied with a grin. There were fairy lights everywhere and you could already see the Christmas tree from the entry. Simon and Isabelle's tree was still beautiful but smaller than Magnus and Alec's. "It's time for presents!", Simon said and dropped himself onto the sofa. Only now Alec noticed that there were presents underneath the Christmas tree. "I'll get your presents!", Magnus said and five minutes later arrived with a huge bag. First, it was Isabelle's turn with receiving her present from Simon. "That is so nice of you!", she said as she unwrapped the 'Expect the unexpected' shirt, the tea, the hair pins and the cookies that Simon gifted her. "Only the best for you."; Simon said and kissed her on the forehead. Now it was Magnus and Alec who exchanged confused looks. "Wait- are you guys...?", Magnus asked carefully. "Uhm, I guess it's time to reveal our little secret, isn't it?", Simon said with and insecure gaze in his girlfriend's direction. "Yes, uhm, it's kind of awkward to tell you like this but Simon and I are dating." Alec's jaw dropped:" You can't be serious!" "Why not?", Simon asked carefully. "Uhm, well, I guess it's our time to confess too, then.", Magnus stuttered, "Alec and I are also a couple." "I guess Christmas brings miracles.", Isabelle said, smiling Simon's favorite smile. "It really does.", Alec sighed. "This coming out of your mouth, darling brother, makes it a whole more special.", Isabelle laughed. "Why?", Alec frowned. "Because that means that not only I managed to convince Simon that Christmas is wonderful, but also that Magnus did is job beautifully." " I hate to interrupt you, but if we want to finish unpacking the presents on the twenty-fourth, we should probably get going.", Simon laughed after a critical look at is watch. "Okay, this is for you!"; Magnus said and handed Alec a big square package. "Omg, I've been dying to get my hands on this since the day it was released!", Alec exclaimed joyfully as he unpacked the cooking book Magnus got him. It has been quite some time ago since Isabelle saw her brother that happy about something material. "Okay, sadly my present isn't that special.", Alec said and gave Magnus a little envelope. "Thank you!", Magnus said, realising that this was a shopping gift card for one of his favorite stores. "I knew if I would pick something out for you I wouldn't get your taste.", Alec laughed and Magnus rewarded him with a kiss. Last but not least, there was Isabelle's present for Simon left underneath the Christmas tree. "How did you get those?", Simon asked in astonishment as he unwrapped some comics that were sold out everywhere. "Let's just say that I know certain people who know other people who have the right connections."; Isabelle laughed. "You are the best!", Simon sighed and pulled her into a big hug. "So, I think both teams won this battle. I mean, we all spent a wonderful time together and even showed the beauty of Christmas to Alec and Simon.", Magnus said contently. "Yes, I honestly thought the same. I mean we turned Alec and Simon into Christmas lovers, we deserve a monument!", Izzy laughed. " I wouldn't have ever thought that I would actually enjoy december.", Alec stated. "Believe me, nobody did.", Izzy chuckled. "But also,", Alec continued, "how could you not enjoy waking up next to such a gorgeous man like Magnus every morning for a whole month straight." "Alec, stop it, I am blushing.", Magnus laughed. "Look at those two. You are adorable.", Isabelle sighed. "Look who's talking!", Magnus smiled, "You and Simon make a pretty adorable couple as well." "Let's not turn this into another competition, guys.", Alec grinned. "Why not?", Magnus and Isabelle asked at the same time and started laughing. Simon just leant back:" Let's seal the peace with cookies. I really don't need another competition now." "Agreed.", Alec smiled and followed Simon into the kitchen. "Christmas undoubtably is the most beautiful time of the year.", Isabelle sighed. Magnus nodded:" And we taught two more people that. Mission accomplished, I would say."  

Soooo this was it! I hope you enjoyed this beautiful finale of Christmas battle as much as me and magnuswayland did!

Thank you magnuswayland for starting this beautiful story with me, I can't wait to create more good stuff with you babe♥️

Merry Christmas everyone!

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