December 8th

136 9 3

Simon POV

 I woke up because of a weird feeling in my hand. I blinked and looked around- it was still pretty dark outside, meaning it would have to be rather early in the morning. Then I realized where that feeling came from- Isabelle's hand laid in mine. I sighed delightfully. Even though I knew it wasn't there on purpose, it felt so good. And the longer I felt her hand in mine, the more I wanted to never let go of her. Her skin on mine, like made for each other. I saw her precisely manicured fingernails, the thin silver ring Alec gifted her to her sixteenth birthday which she wore always. The little bracelet she also always wore. I looked up her body- she wore sweatpants and a huge shirt, her hair was in a messy bun which looked even messier because she has been sleeping with it. Her face was bare, I just found slight traces of mascara which she didn't properly take off yesterday evening. Her skin was pale and beautiful, her lips soft and perfectly arched. In total, everything seemed perfect about Isabelle. Her fine cheekbones, perfectly tweezed brows, subtle chin, markant collarbones. Her long, thick, black, glossy hair always looked like a shampoo advertisement. I used to think it all was makeup and the billions of hair products she owned, but seeing her like this, totally natural, made me overthink what I always thought. Because I didn't find her less beautiful, no. I would even dare to say that I thought of her as even more beautiful. I smiled. As we went ice skating, I thought my heart would explode. I wanted to kiss her, more than anything. I wanted to hold her, to call her mine. I wanted to be with her now and forever. I wanted to wake up to that beautiful smile of hers until the day I die, I wanted to smell her, even with my last breath. I wanted to taste the Lipgloss on her lips, I wanted to examine the blue sprinkles in her dark eyes. I wanted her with everything I had, my mind, my body and my heart longed for that pearl next to me. Suddenly, she moved and I drew my gaze away from her. "Hey, Simon, are you awake?", she asked with her sweet morning voice. "Yeah, I woke up some minutes about." She smiled and my heart almost exploded. I smiled back. "You look quite excited for a Christmas hater- you very well know today we are baking cookies, right?", she asked and I grinned. I couldn't help myself but grin, seeing her that excited. "I am actually looking forward to it.", I said. She chuckled:" Oh, are you really? I can't wait." After we got up and had a quick breakfast we made ourselves comfortable in the kitchen. "Okay, so first of all we have to make the dough.", Isabelle commanded and I helped her arranging all the ingredients on the kitchen table. "Okay, you have to put the entire pack of flour into that bowl.", Isabelle commanded and I did as I was told. Due to the lack baking experience, I poured in all the flour all at once. Of course I forgot that it would cause a flour-cloud. A big one. Immediately, I flinched and started coughing. I could feel the fine flour particles in my nose and in my eyes. As I stopped coughing I looked towards Isabelle who was dying of laughter. "What?", I asked after I finally calmed down. "Your face!", Isabelle laughed, bracing herself onto the kitchen counter. A gloomy premonition hit me and as I touched my face- and I was right. My whole face was covered in flour. "Revenge.", I whispered while grinning. Then I dipped my hand into the flour and rubbed it into Isabelles hair. She shrieked and immediately countered with another portion of flour into my face. "You will regret this.", I laughed and grabbed two hands full of flour to throw it on her head. She snatched the flour bag from the kitchen counter and emptied it right into my shirt. "Oh, will I?", she asked, smiling devilishly. Such a badass, I thought while I felt the flour tickling on my upper body. As I looked down to the floor I saw there was plenty of flour still available. Quickly, I grabbed some and rubbed it into her face. "Ewww! That was on the floor before it touched my face.", she laughed. "We cleaned it yesterday, remember?", I chuckled. And I couldn't stop. As I saw her face, entirely coated in flour, her hair rather gray than black, her red shirt completely ruined with flour, I got the giggles. As I realized I must at least look the same, I couldn't help myself but drop myself onto the floor, holding my belly of laughter. As I looked up I saw Isabelle desperately trying to hold back her laughter it got only worse. And she failed too. Laughing, we botch rolled ourselves on the floor, completely covered in flour. "This was literally the funniest thing I have ever done.", I laughed out, desperately gasping for air. "Sameeeee.", she screamed, also laughing. Like that we continued for almost ten more minutes as we simply couldn't laugh anymore due to a lack of oxygen. "Wow.", I gasped. Then I looked into her eyes and started laughing immediately, and so did she. "Okay, we have to stop!"; she laughed. I just nodded. Then I got up and grabbed some water for me and Isabelle. Surprisingly, it actually helped. "Thank you.", Isabelle sighed in relief. "Sure.", I said. Then I snatched my phone out of my pocket and took a selfie- we both did look hilarious. Our hair was completely disarrayed and we were entirely covered in flour. "I look crazy!", she cried in laughter. "Don't worry, me too.", I said. Then the consequences of our actions hit me:" Will we actually have to clean all of this up?" Isabelle bit her lip, trying not to laugh and nodded. I chuckled:" Still worth it." "What is it?", I asked as her face still didn't relax. "We have no more flour. And we can barely go grocery shopping like this." I sighed:" I guess we will have to do the baking another day. Still worth it." Isabelle smiled:" It really was. I can't remember having so much fun." "Me neither.", I said. And it was the truth.          

Christmas battle- Sizzy's POVWhere stories live. Discover now